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Escape from the Yellow Room 3
Escape from the Yellow Room 3 - A Complete Walkthrough Guide!

Escape from the Yellow Room 3 - A Complete Walkthrough Guide!

1K View2022-09-20
An amazing and challenging puzzle adventure mobile game that you gotta try out! Short but sweet game.
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Um... how did I end up in this room??
Welcome to Escape from the Yellow Room 3 Summary When you wake up, you realize you've been trapped in a room surrounded by cold white walls. Let's escape from the room by tapping a suspicious point on the screen. My Experience I have never been to an escape room myself. I have heard that they can go from easy to extremely difficult depending on which one. This one took some time to think about and see what does what
Fuzzy Logic - Escape from the Yellow Room 3 Review
The first thing you should know about Escape from the Yellow Room 3 is that the room is not yellow. In fact, you’ll visit more than one room, and none of them are yellow. I suppose this is just a quirk of sequel naming conventions; I haven’t played the first Yellow Room, but from glancing at some screenshots, it does, indeed, seem to take place in a yellow room. But that immediate and stunning disconnect between this game’s title and its content really set a tone for me that carried through to the whole experience.
🏃‍♀️<50 rooms escape: Can you escape > available now on TapTap NOW✅
<50 rooms escape: Can you escape > is a classic puzzle game. 🔺50 differnet style of rooms, constantly observe, judge till escape. 🔺Free to play❗️Explore 50 different room by free❗️ 🔺Find the cules and secrets, run away from the dark ASAP❗️ 🔺Discover the story behind these rooms. 🔺Remember❗️ Each items can be the key to help you escape. 🔺Tip: Click "hint" button, it help you quickly throgh the rooms.
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