
Games worth discovering


2K View2022-09-22
Y'all should understand how long it will take to make a game that is litterally still in development. You see, if you aren't a game creator, then you must know what you should know.
You should think how long this will take because of the coding and it's still in development so there will be bugs that's easily be uncovered. Just because it's an 8-bit game doesn't mean it's easy to create. I made a 8-bit game before and of course, full of bugs.
You should appreciate the efforts of the devs for their games. Like NewBlood and Hakita, they love all of their fans and they don't even care much about stonks. They are just determined to create the best game such as Ultrakill.
You SHOULD understand why the release will take long. I mean, they already have the base game for the trailer, but what about bugs? Of course they would fix it because their fans will expect a high quality game that would almost take a year to make. And people are too excited and impatient because the game already look good at the trailer. Go play Soul Knight instead. Soul Knight litterally has more content i believe, because devs wouldn't show them to avoid spoiling the people.
Lastly, you really should understand them. Of course their butts and wrists will hurt every day just to make a game that would take almost a year to make because there are consequences in life. You can be tired, your eyes would burn and your mind would blow up due to intense fixing and coding. I can understand why it takes long because it's a game that literally remasters the Soul Knight game. But i know what you would think. Minor changes and added shaders only right? Just like the definitive edition of GTA Trilogy? No. They are planning not just to remaster, but to make it the (probably) the best RPG game you would expect. Just be patient.
Now, don't even think i'm just a child who storytells something that doesn't know about stuff and talks with an adult-like grammar. I tried simplifying the words i told and nothing works because i'm half filipino blooded. Please mention the words that has wrong spelling or bad grammar. Peace out.
Mentioned games
Guiding Light
Guiding Light Author

EVERYONE! Big announcement, the release of Soul Knight Prequel might be cancelled because they are working on a defense game Xeno Command.


Atomic Assassin
Atomic Assassin

Thankfully they announced second beta test so this game isn't cancelled.


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When does it come out


Guiding Light
Guiding Light Author

I have no idea actually.


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to me it's not of how long it'll take just some of us like it when the devs update us about things going on


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Guiding Light
Guiding Light Author

You have a point there. And i'm sorry to hear that you seem disagreeing to my words that tell how long it would take in development. As Grsensei said, they are in a team and it shouldn't take long. I don't know much about Chillyroom but i believe they are on a break.


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They have created great games in the past and this will be no exception Yall need to be patient with them they obviously don't wanna release a crappy game
Here is the deal with this game  its been rumored to come out and be released since like 2010 or something and I feel like they could have done way better especially for low end devices..let me explain too much lag and and too much low frame rate. This game has lost so much value to me in the time that it got released was like 3 days ago,(not even) the left button aka the move layout button can't be change  and you can't move fluidly throughout the game which is completely stupid and the auto lock on target to enemy 85% of the time gets you killed for no reason! Minions won't die to autos as certain characters too blocky/choppy and the voice overs aren't as distinct as in the anime , this game reached an all time low was so hyped for this for years checked back on it and everything, players are still self and some how still don't know their role even though it's the easiest thing since sliced bread. I don't  get it how could you mess that up? How?! So self destructive trying to go on a whim  and make recent anime characters be "balanced" only 3 moves.... do better!! There're like so many moves sets the characters could have had but just narrow it down to that (3)and that's not anything that is bs team Def you know this! Please fix this unpleasant unplayable atrocity!!! Just watched undead unluck and didn't even get to try them out! Just throw away a child hood to adult hood why don't you and then you wanted $$$ yeah I don't think it's worth it! Not worth my time!👍 Pros: they got decent line up👎 Cons: unplayable due to lag and low fps🕹️ Controls: if it wasn't for the left stick could be better if just floating or bigger otherwise 3 skills 3 really that's all we get?! 📖 Storyline: no storyline like go watch the animes if you want to know about characters! Obviously.,,that should go w/ out saying, huge disappointment here waste of money as well but bet they get paid to make another bs ps5 Xbox or PC game when you couldn't combo right on that sh*t either pro or not! Good luck whoever made this stuff; done with that!
Wow... Another game that's probably going to take months to release i really don't care but the game looks good but it will probably take ages to release
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