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History of the most popular games (2020, 2021, 2022) 2023 coming soon!

History of the most popular games (2020, 2021, 2022) 2023 coming soon!

2K View2022-09-29
Thank you guys so much for 7000 followers, I really appreciate it. (Update) I may not be posting on TapTap. I have a huge interest on LoFi and Fortnite gameplay. But tell me, will you guys watch those? Let me know! Anyway the true history of video games start below 👇
Video games. Video games have been evolving since October 1958. The first ever game created was a very simple tennis game. I mean, it was the first ever game created, so it had to be simple and easy. But after 64 years of games being created. They get and harder to get good at. 1972 was when the first ever console, and that was the “dots and dials” A picture is 👇 below.
It was so old fashion and the controllers look so weird compare to now. Lets start of the first game, that was created in 18th of November 2011.
Minecraft has made million and millions of dollars, with over 3 million daily players. But how did it start?
It all started in Stolkholm in Sweden. A boy that was born there named Markus also named as “Notch” After he got his first computer (Comidore 128) He got the game when he was 7 years old. After he turned on the computer, he was immediately turned on by coding. He made his first ever code and working one, at 8 years old. Over the years after he graduated. He was working as a web developer, he had helped to create “Wurm Online” it was a massive multiplayer online game that was created in 2003. They used the name “Mojang Specifications” in 2007. Soon Markus had left the project and wanted to use the the name Mojang Specification elsewhere. Heading back to 2004 at the game of 2, Markus landed a job at “Midas Player” also named as king
which created Candy Crush. While working at Midas Player, he found another developer who would play an important role in his future video games. That person is “Jacob Porzer” Jacob would describe what it was like working at a job at Midas Player. These were his words.
“It was a great place to start, you’d be making small games in Flash, and you actually did most of the stuff in the game yourself except for the graphics.” While working at Midas Player, they both started plotting their own games. Some of which gain notoriety on indie games websites. Things were looking really good for Markus and Jacob at the time as they are working for a good gaming company, and they can follow their passions on their off time. But while this notoriety seemed good for Markus and Jacob, their bosses at Midas Players weren’t as thrilled.
“We felt that we couldn’t have someone working for us that at the same time was building his own gaming comapany,” Says Lars Markgren, the co-founder who hired pearson. Because of this Markus and Jacob were barred from making games in their free time. And this is the reason why Markus left Midas Player in 2009 after developing 25 to 30 games for the company. Shortly after this Pearson got a new programming job at “J Album” an online photo sharing service that didn’t mind him working on his games in his free time. It was Pearsons hours that he would begin working on a certain gaming project. However this soon to be extremely popular game wouldn’t truly be realised until another game was released. Before Markus had left Midas Player however, he was working  on some projects that would be the impetus to Markus’s magnum opus. “Minecraft”. One of these games were actually a zombie game with a graphics engine, similar to GTA china town wars. He had made a 3D texture map for the zombie game prototype.
“Around this time, I was also playing around with the idea of making a zombie game with graphics engine similar to GTA: Chinatown Wars. I made my own fully 3D texture mapper from scratch for the first time in my life. (I had only 2.5D texture mappers up until the idea was kinda vaguely to make a spiritual to left 4 dead.” Said by Markus.
But he continued to create Minecraft alone in his stockholm apartment in 2008 during his free time. After he had released his game in 2011, he was going to start updating the game so that more players will play. The first thing that he had did was to make a chafcter in game. He had already created the model for the characters. He used the zombie models from the zombie apocalypse, and added the characters to jump, run around with graphics to them.
The next update that was called the “classic version” on the 13th of June 2009. He reused the name Mojang slecifications for this release as well. More and more updates came over the years. Updated like adding animals, mobs, hunger bars, hearts, caves ect. The game started to get more and more popular over the years. But sadly Markus had left the game and selling for 2.5 billion dollars to Microsoft. But Mojang is now the developer of Minecraft. Mojang soon made the game into an “open world survival” So many things that have happen for the last 8 years that Mojang had owned Minecaft. Fast forward to 2022. The game has amazing graphics, new mechanics, new features etc.
That was the story of Minecraft
It started with Epic Games and the creation of “Fortnite Save the World” their mission was to mostly combine 3D graphics and Call of Duty zombies together. The game was released in the 25th of July 2017. However it is been reviewed as being “fairly boring and medicore” After they started getting all of these bad reviews, Epic Games came up with an idea. They wanted to use PubG to Fortnite and making it free. Once they had created the Fortnite Battle royale, In the first month they had reached over 10 million players world wide. People started to be playing this game more and more because they could build, for defence and use weapons to kill other players in the game. Jn each game there would be a maximum of 100 players and people would have to kill everybody until they are the last person alive. There were a lot of different weapons and items that came out. You could use bushes to disguise yourself as a bush. Then Fortnite started to be a season game. Every season there will be updates to the map and new times. These could also happen in regular updates. As soon  the game got more popular, the game started to add in game purchases that you could buy with real money. The jn game currency was named V-Bucks. You could use V-Bucks to buy skins, pickaxes, emotes, the battle pass etc; and after the game added V-Bucks, they were flooded with money. They started releasing every new battle pass ever season, new skins and cosmetics. Millions of people were playing the game and it even got to the point where it was an eSports tournaments. The biggest known tournament is the Fortnite World Cup. It had 100 of the best players in the world. There is also weekly tournaments to get money and in game cosmetics. The game is still living and over 2 million players are players Fortnite right now.
Call of Duty
Call of Duty is a fps video game simulator that has created over 24 games over 18 years. Call of Duty is the 3rd largest video game franchise in the world, and one of the most recognisable brands in media. The games have team death matches
, zombies and now a battle royale. From the World War ll which was the first Call of Duty game, to it now being an eSports franchise. COD is one of the most selling video game franchises of all time, and it probably will not ho away anytime soon. Call of Duty has it’s own arsenal of nostalgia and impeccable gun mechanics to the hottest shooter format on the planet. Call of Duty began as a first-person shooter set in World War two and was built of quake 3 arena Z engine when it first released in October 19th, 2003.  The game was developed by Infinity Ward and released by Activision during an era where fps games were taking over the mainstream. The first Call of Duty set the bar for what playing a shooter on console should feel like. It immersed you in three near to life storylines including American ans British paratroopers and the soviet red army. And as the Call of Duty Dutg franchise evolved, it gave us all we needed to satisfy that craving after serval world war two themed iterations, Activision and infinity ward dropped Call of Duty 4 in 2007. This was infinity wat first COD title after taking a year off in a favour of another developer, “Treyarch” with the release of COD 4 these developer would start to trade year to year who had the rights to develope the new COD game. At the time , this seemed insignificant but would become a defining reason as why COD titles differentiate so much between iteration and why it continues to be made manually. From the begginjng the developers at Infinity Ward wanted to create a “Modern Shooter” while Activision was set on a World War 2 Game. This difference of opinion would be the start of what was a messy relationship Activision and InfinityWard. There was a lawsuit that was opened up and Activision claimed that the two companies were “stealing Infinity Ward”  Because of this, 13 members at InfinitWard had left the company. InfinityWard kept its name and was still making Call of Duty titles. But not the same too developers that broke the mold with Modern Warfare. After this title was made, this had exploded with popularity because of it’s multiplayer mode and it created an almost permanent gaming experience, never before available to Call of Duty titles with five player teams competing in a ranked environment across multiple game modes. Modern Warfare was a game changer for the franchise and the gaming world at large as it is was the highest selling game in the United States from 2007 - 2008. COD 4 also allowed Call of Duty to make the junp into esports and it was played for a full year on the MLG pro circuit Hester. Over the years, there was no debate that COD games were popular. Gamers all over the world were talking about it. Then Black Ops sold over 30 million copies and modern Warfare sold 25 million copies. The game was huge, but the competitive scene was scattered amongst a number of third party events throughout the year. This made it pretty difficult for the millions of COD fans to stay invested in the competitive scene and it’s main characters. Now the top eSports scene in the COD series right now, would have to be the Call of Duty Warzone.
Warzone is one of the most popular battle royale games right now with over 100 million downloads.
Apex Legends
The Apex Legends Origins state back all the way to 2010 when Vince Zampella and Jason West founded Respawn Entertainment after a messy breakup with Activision. Which forced them out of the studio they co-founded, a multi billion dollar franchise that helped to create Call of Duty. After four eyes of quiet development, Respawn came up at e3 to announce the project that they have been working on. The game that they have been working on is Titan Fall, which came out in March 11 2014 as a multiplayer. The game was only available in Microsoft exclusive published by EA. Players were very interested in this game because of it’s butter smooth gameplay and movement, with also special abilities. But despite the strong sales and generally favourite reviews, there was an alien quality to TitanFall that extended beyond the space opera themes. But audiences wanted a single player campaign. The developers just did not know how to make a single player mode with all of it’s movement and abilities. So all pf this coupled with a pretty mad matchmaking system, inconsistent performance on console and a lack of on-disc content meant that TitanFall was forgotten as quickly as it arrived. When Respawn released the trailer for TitanFall 2 in April 2016, it seemed that they have listed the feedback and made changes got the better experience. The sequel included with an interesting single-player story more emphasis on unique Titan Classes and more of everything people loved about the originals multiplayer. But of course, in classic Respawn fashion, things weren’t easy. The month of October is a historically crowded release for video games. So when it was announced that TitanFall 2 on October 28th, the community scratched their heads with many assuming that EA was sending it out to die. Combined the release windows with a lack of marketing and people assuming that it was a console exclusive and TitanFall 2’s launch week sales only reached a quarter of it’s predecessors through that same time period. After the release of TitanFall 2, EA bought Respawn in 2017 and started development on a third title in the franchise. But in watching of the Battle Royale genre the world by storm, Respawn decided to make some changes. Up until this point the Battle Royale had occupied two popular extremes. Respawn was hyper aware of this and made sure that their battle royale game would succeed much more than games like Fortnite. The game would be known as, Apex Legends.
Set 30 years after the events of TitanFall, the world of Apex Legends is rifle with civil War and political unrest. A long-forgotten bloodspot is resurrected and 60 legends drop into Kings Canyon, scrambling for weapons and resources before killing each other  in the name of glory. Apex follows the footsteps of it’s battle royale peers by following concepts and twisting them slightly sure’s in the sense of familiarity just different enough to be refreshing. 
The game had it’s own open world and amazing characters to play against with. Respawn took their hero shooter from Overwatch and narrowed down to eight different unique legends at launch. It was very easy to learn the abilities and how to use them. They had even made the legends have their own sexuality, like BloodHound is non-binary. Twisting familiar concepts extends take on squad play. Unlike Fortnite and PubG, Apex Legends has no solo or duo drops, instead squads of three drop into Kings Canyon with a designated player controlling. Apex has also added the ability to respawn if your teammates grab your banner, they have the ability to Respawn you at the Respawn Beacons that are all over the map. You can also have inventory control and change the way how much ammo your gun has ect. Apex Legends had briefly knocked out Fortnite out of the top spot on Twitch for the two titles have been trading back and forth for Battle Royale supremacy. The game has been getting so popular in it’s first week released and in just a couple of months, an Apex Legends eSports has began, with over 2 million dollars in
total has been gave out to Apex Legends champions. The game has been evolving and started to get a battle pass, skins and unique animations. There is no doubt that Respawn had succeed into making a battle royale.
-Thank you guys so much for reading this article, AND FOR OVER 150 FOLLIWERS! If you find something incorrect or like to say something comment below! I WILL BE ADDING MORE GAMES SOON!
Last updated: 14th November 2022
-Thx guys <3
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I will be adding more games soon to this article.


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Staraisa Brown
Staraisa Brown

i love these games thank you soo much


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