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20 Minutes Till Dawn
My Build Was So Powerful It Lags The Game! The Build Was Fire Ice Build.

My Build Was So Powerful It Lags The Game! The Build Was Fire Ice Build.

2K View2022-09-30
Skip to the half of the video to see the full build.
Characters Used: Scarlett
Weapon Used: Flame Cannon
The Build: Max Fire Upgrades,
Max Ice Upgrades,Max Fire rate,
Max Bullet Projectiles,Max Movement Speed, and do what upgrades you want if you complete the build.
Game: 20 Mins Till Dawn
Version: 1.0.15 (not the full version).
Have Fun!
One of the best games that isn't pay to win.
You need to buy the full version tho'
Thanks to all of the staff and developers for making such a great game.
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90k Total Power F2P Level 62 build
Hi everyone, I keep seeing everyone asking about advice for their build. Here's mine, I hope this helps you. I prioritize atk %, atk, crit hit, crit damage, damage % on my items for enhancing. Before I got +20 on everything, I was getting everything to +10 first so I can progress in the game until I found a decent item then I'd get it to +15 everything then +20 on ones I knew I'd probably not find a better item than. My weps aren't level 100 yet, I was upgrading my hunter's items to lvl 40/60 first. I probably should've prioritized jinwoo's weps more. I put all my stat points into atk, and I level up my skill abilities.
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