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Catalyst Black
Abandoned by the Dev 5 months after global launch

Abandoned by the Dev 5 months after global launch

831 View2022-10-12
A game with so much potential destroyed by the dev team. Over promised and under delivered. The Game reached its apex in 0.10 of the beta. The last and best patch in the game. The next 13 to 14 patches would change the game so much that it would suck the joy out of playing it. Systems changed with the promise of improvements which never came. Weapons changes to the point of uselessness, adding features to make gameplay feel clunky or less responsive. Changing to an Unlimited duration of a player’s power spike (Primal God transformation). Horrible balance changes that created substandard and superior weapons within weapon classes. Terrible trophy road, most  expensive and uninspired shop I have ever seen in a game. A popular game mode turned into a shell of its former self. New game mechanics like double damage buffs hated by most the players, was originally a team wide buff that modestly increased damage and armor. The vaulting of 13 abilities that they didn’t want to deal with anymore claiming they were selfish or not used. Adding a horribly pay to win item 2 patches before fully abandoning the game. Nearly 2 months of radio silence from the development team on their official discord server. The final patch (0.23) for the game was the most unpolished and incomplete ever to be released during the game’s development. It didn’t appear to be tested and assets such as sounds and graphics were placeholders from another character in the game. They had a roadmap to adding a rank mode which was abandoned. No custom matches, no spectator mode, no replays, no cosmetics, no battle pass, no ad campaign for the game. Many predict it would fail and I pushed back. They were right and I was wrong. For those hoping that this means they will go back to their original game, VainGlory, that won’t be happening, they are working on a new game and multiple other projects. Even if they did I don’t believe the company has what it takes to make and support a profitable product. Their focus always seems to be on the next project and getting investments not the player base.
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Great potential but not seizing it
loved the game at the beginning. But the focus is becoming more and more on P2W aspects. Every big update certain items in the game become nearly locked entirely for F2P players. Also the dev team rarely (if at all) does anything with the feedback / suggestions given. As a previous moderator for this game there is simply 0 feedback on what's reported. Important questions for the longevity of the game and important community questions are ignored. Including changes they mention in the patchnotes.
I remember playing this game long time ago, it was great, but felt unfinished, now this new release doesn't make much sense to me, the game is worse, there is constant lag, the server are horrible, everything I click just load for 2 to 5 second and this kind of games there is so much unnecessary clicking for rewards, the battle system has no tutorial anymore, I remember back when I first play this, the game actually put lots of effort to explain the game mechanics but there is no such things anymore, there is no story either, game look also worse and play horrible with lags, I honestly don't know what happened to this game but it's just worse compare to the same game release some years ago, this feel like a beta version
They continued to destroy their game. First, they removed mobility and speed, which favorably distinguished the game from others. Now they've gone a step further - they've removed the auto-respawn without changing the ttk It was a fun, drivе shooter. Was. Now it's just a colorful pubg
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