Fortnite Chapter 4 is probably come out next season. I am pretty sure that this may bring so many people back to the game because a lot of people are saying “Fortnite is dead”. And to be honest, it kinda is in its lowest state. But I do think that Fortnite will go back to its popularity again. Why? Because this isn’t the first time that Fortnite has gotten accused of being “dead”. This had happened so many times. Remember the mechs? So many people had left because they were so overpowered, but once they got removed Fortnite was popular again. Remember the Primal season? Everyone hated it. But, except for me. Because that was when I got my first Fortnite account and started playing. Anyway, after the Primal Season had ended, so many people were back in the game. Those were only a couple of times when Fortnite has gotten accused of being dead. So because this had happen every single time, I believe that when Fortnite Chapter 4 comes out, Fortnite is gonna be popular again. I can’t say that I am 100% that Fortnite will come back to being the most popular game in the world, but it just might. Because after December 3rd, the new season or “chapter” will come out.
Why is Fortnite already getting a chapter four, when we only had four seasons in chapter 3?
Well, Fortnite has so many plans for the game, and these ideas and plans are coming in Chapter 4! These ideas are a fpp mode and Creative 2.0! These updates will change the game forever. Trusted leakers have found a fpp mode in the game files, and here is what it looks like for now.
This is probably not how it is going to look like, but it gives you the idea. Now creative 2.0.
If you have been watching a lot of Fortnite content, then you will probably know what this is. But just in case that you don’t, here is information about it.
Creative 2.0 is going to be a CRAZY Fortnite editor. It will give creators, more of their imagination into the game. You will be able to put mods into a creative game. Make your own city, make your own NPC’s, make your own skins, battle royale, map etc. People will be able to create anything that they want in Fortnite.
“Why should I be excited for this?”
Well, to you it may sound dumb, useless maybe even time wasting. But once you play theses creative games, it will definitely change the way you think about the game. You will feel even more addicted to creative. Fortnite wants to put the best experience for players and creators to make more content, more of an enjoyable experience. The potentials in Creative 2.0 is infinite. You may not agree, but once it comes out, I want you to play creative 2.0 (once it comes out) for at least a day. Because you could immediately switch to a creative warrior, instead of being a rage-battle royale player.
Anyway, this is what this could look like to creators that afe going to make creative 2.0 maps.
(credit: Mustard Play)
It is just like Roblox, but better. (Idk how the Roblox editing tools look like)
But it’s definitely going to look different.
Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day/night and I will see you in the next article. 👋

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-Thx guys <3
yeah it's season 10
nah bro its coming out in season 10
Your proof?