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The Legend of Neverland
'The Legend of Neverland ' review

'The Legend of Neverland ' review

953 View2022-10-21
this game give me so much experience while playing and good for waste your time while you're boring
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'The Legend of Neverland ' review
Not gonna lie this is a fun game. If you like rpg games you will also like this. However it becomes a little boring later cause there's no new content and the lore needs improvement. But I like it's community. So you can give this a try if you like rpg games with a little better graphics.
Xiao Ling9742023-03-12
The Legend of Neverland - ⭐First Impression⭐ It's... NOT Terrible...
Download Link: https://www.taptap.io/app/216240 Sorry for the delay in content, I just really wasn't feeling this game by the end of my gaming experience 😂, because of that... it took me a lot longer than it should, to get this out. I apologise for that. I'm not sure this games popular enough to get much traction. But overall it's okay. the games not terrible... its not amazing either though haha.
Sonata Dawnstar4K2021-04-04
The Legend of Neverland REVIEWED! Worth Playing? | The MGN
Check out the MGN review of The Legend of Neverland by Game Ark! Welcome to The MGN - Mobile Gaming Network! Pushing Mobile Gaming Forward! ————————— Watch ALL THE MGN! 🐺Clint Wulf - The Mobile Messiah - https://www.youtube.com/c/ClintWulfTheMobileMessiah ⚡️Zoxaskun TV - https://www.youtube.com/c/ZoxaskunDislyte 📲The MGN Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@themgntiktok 📲The MGN Twitter - https://twitter.com/THEMGNOFFICIAL
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