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dead mind
Missing something

Missing something

2K View2022-10-21
I mean graphics and controls doesn't feel awful, but as a singleplayer game I don't really know what to do its just go to next floor clear some zombies get some loot to survive kinda cool but it lacks something. Play and find yourself if you like.
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This game is a unique mix of generations that is really fun to play
Welcome to the world of zombies, it's about time to play this game that you need to survive and escape from the zombies. I noticed, in terms of graphics, it's nice and simple, but it's good enough for an arcade shooting game. The levels are fun with many maps and levels up to 10 with the boss fighting at the end of it, but that's it. You will enjoy playing this game because it is easy to play, it's just shooting the zombies.
The Lorax6712023-10-12
From the way it looks and its graphics, all the way to the gameplay and the ambiance, this game was fun. Unfortunately, that fun only lasted for 15-20 minutes. Only because this game had no real objective other than to survive, and that is relatively easy. When you start a world, you just have to run around and kill zombies while looting the various structures present. That's basically it. And there isn't much of a survival aspect as the loot can be quite abundant plus zombies aren't really that harmful. Your guns handle them quite well, unless you run our of bullets.
Ralph Wiggum7682023-02-04
Game is good but controls require some tweaks and reduce the difficulty in finding resources or fighting zombies I still had machete and gun with limited bullets which I consider very hard to acquire even if u have to craft them u still need some stuff which is very hard to attain if the zombies are in hordes sneak attacks are limited unless u approach at a closer range which might get u exposed it's a 50/50 chance I died and lost it all game is purely pay to win traps tossing range is too low dodging attacks is limited through special moves the damage u take is very high might lose a character or 2 depending on the type of zombie or marauders with automatics will shoot u down in an instant
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