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Guardian Tales
Guardian Tales - Mikasota's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-10-22
Criticism post and videos of problems in the game that are just flat out ignored. I've played Guardian Tales for over a year and during this period, have been keeping in contact with support till they eventually just stopped responding or abused their authority to ignore issues, hoping it'll go away.
As a special for NA, the developer is so petty that when asked to readjust the 100/250 daily mission on maintenance days, they simply outright removed it. If you play other servers, you'll notice this isn't the case and they simply removed it out of spite due to suggestions of making it more reasonable. They're liars and when confronted will just be like, "Yea, so what?" Lina is a top of the line meta unit, especially when she first released, so if they even remotely say anything, take it with a grain of salt, they're full of garbage.
You can tell their abilities to cut corners also bleeds into their real world counterpart, as they simply aren't prepared for anything and will probably have a good chance to hurt their employees who actually do work there, by not taking proper precautions.
Stories fine, some really are just filler episodes and that sadly is the one people remember the most, while others are just forgotten about if you ask most people. But this is a 10/10 cult mentality community with no substance to back it up, so expect to see a pretty faulty rating that basically makes it entirely pointless. I mean, why use the games strengths to convince people to play it when you can just be a liar instead?
Since mentioned it. The way they treat pointing out flaws instead of actually discussing it or just plan fixing it with a massive time frame. Awful company.
I wanted to mention one more thing since it did get brought up, even if to simply excuse every possible issue ever, I'd still like to talk about it. Now, I actually played 7DS when it released over here at launch and it was mostly enjoyable as a f2p player originally. pvp had its frustration and the developers were pretty much scumbags from start to finish, only getting worse despite me leaving, though, it was before they themselves made me leave as it was simply an issue on my part, as I emulated it and simply had no way to continue playing when I encountered computer troubles. The 2 weeks it took to get it up and running again, my resources drained for a limited time event, missed pity, didn't have the drive to continue.
Netmarble was probably like a smaller vocal grp for defending them, but it had some, both ways of course. Had the people who'd try to get compensation while playing the system, which didn't work out. Though, Netmarble had the means to fix said issue and simply were too lazy to do so, with the Red King release at the time, as they knew it was problematic originally, but refused to fix it here, leading to the same result, but with no compensation as prior. They gutted rewards by comparison and after I was gone, proceeded to gut things that were free to a cost, stupid things like that. Massive powercreep problem, cosmetics cost money to f2p release, to limited time only being purchaseable, they're a horrible company, but...
Now why I mention it. They might be a trashbin in and of themselves, but outside an exploit, which is just as likely to happen in a game like Guardian tales, their gameplay worked fine. It was RNG bs at times, but things worked fine, even when they went for cheesy stuff. Guardian tales on the other hand makes the stable diamond currency, not even function properly. The servers are some of the worst I've ever encountered. Desync problems can outright break the game for things like defense or coop, arena is just awful and it's way beyond just some powercreep, gear issue. It's just people slapping desync ghosts, it's gameplay aspect is bad. Even if all the bugs and issues were fixed, which they're not, why colosseum sucks balls as well, watching units run into corners to die, sucide units, lina standing in the middle of the map zoned out doing nothing, is horrible. Back to arena though and the things that use their botched dumpster netcoding, they simply just don't care. Even a scum pond pile of garbage like netmarble, will design the product to function for the most part, even if exploitable, but GTs didn't even get to the "try" phase.
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Tamer Suliman
Tamer Suliman

Damn man, why so salty? It is just a game bro chill. The game ain't perfect for sure but it is still playable. If you don't like it, fine. But don't act like it killed one of your family members.



Considering you very likely didn't even read what was stated, having a developer who abuses their social and support functions to ignore issues over a grand period of time, a community who is aggressive and useless at best on any criticism and has actively helped in molding the product in this way and that you can only actively go after me personally and not on anything with said criticism, get a life dude. This actually has a point if people worked together for some accountability. It's bad enough people like you extend this to real life as well and would walk over a person rather then helping them because of the minor inconvenience, but if you can't even try, why'd you even start? Congrats on going all the way. Showing evidence, pointing out flaws, abuse, it's a keen to murder. I'm guessing you are probably a "If we have gay marriage, then people will want beastiality!" kinda person.


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Chris Ramsey
Chris Ramsey

meanwhile fate grand order still has no pity, epic seven is barely get an auto skip function for hunts, if I named the amount of things Netmarble did to 7DS players you'd be shock it's still one of the top mobile games sales wise... all those games are considered highly popular games in the mobile market and they still have issues. just get over it or stop playing it's just a game dude you can't let it get to you. especially when every mobile game has its issues


Mikasota Author

Imagine being this kind of fanboi and thinking your opinion has any value whatsoever. Hey everybody, we got a review for a product here and the majority are liars like Chris here. If you have anything to actually say that would steer from "Our god can do no wrong.", then you should just go away or get over it. Accountability? Not in my town, no thank you. Think how sad it must be that the best defense a person like this can do is bring up other games and their flaws and be like, "Yea, proved my point." Here's hoping your low standard, 0 accountability self never gets into any position of change, as you'd likely squander it or make things worse.


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Chris Ramsey
Chris Ramsey

I could tell that you have nitpicks about the game


Mikasota Author

Having unfinished content and broken mechanics isn't a nitpick, but keep being you, the disappointment and burden you bring to others must be a blessing.


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