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Sift Heads Reborn
Sift Heads Reborn - PandoraBox's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-11-15
Happily suprised that the game isn't just a cash grab for nostalgic fans. It really seems like they put a lot of effort into the game and I was really satisfied playing it. Few problems I had is when you get stuck in combat there is no way to just back out and also when your in cover sometimes your character goes from standing up to crouching unnaturally. Melee combat is good enough but I'd be happy to see some more added to it. Still a great game and I'll probably buy something to support it.
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Really like the game so far, love the atmosphere, music and combat. The only thing that I have to comment about is the price of the game. Like it's understandable that it's that pricey, like just look at the game. But hey if you have some money to spare and want a good and beautiful game, maybe consider giving this a chance
An Absolut dead game with an aweful cashgrab system..... no changes in combat since launch, melee feels ass, range is okish, and if u want progress open your wallet or go 48/7. Sad, this game couldve been much much more.
i really like the game, visually SUPER appealing, I love all the character's look and personality, the gameplay is "okay", could be better. The other modes are innovative but needs to be explored more. Overall a very good experience, i had
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