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Sonic Frontiers
'Sonic Frontiers (NS, PC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XBS/X)' review

'Sonic Frontiers (NS, PC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XBS/X)' review

1K View2022-11-18
Honestly, I went into frontiers not expecting much, and so far, it has blown my expectations out of the water. Yes, there's a glitch here and there, but what Sonic game doesn't? The soundtrack, visuals, and even the story line so far have been on point to make this a quick classic in the Sonic franchise.
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Sonic Frontiers is an excellent addition to the Sonic franchise indeed! It has great speeds, a very compelling story and gameplay. This game has only been out for a few days, and yet I am already in love with it, heck it might even be my favorite Sonic game of all time. The developers really outdid themselves when making this phenomenal game. Arigato Sonic team, we love ya.
I think sonic frontiers is the best sonic game! The gameplay is good, the music is amazing and what's better than fighting a titan using super sonic with a cool music in the battle!
The best Sonic Frontiers because the cyberspace zones they have sky sanctuary from sonic the hedgehog 3 and knuckles. Sonic Forces didn't have sky sanctuary. In sonic origins sonic the hedgehog 3 and knuckles changed some of the classic music. And that's why Sonic frontiers is the best sonic game.
Johnathan Conway8342022-11-14
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