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Matr1x Worldview Stories—Hero Squad

Matr1x Worldview Stories—Hero Squad

369 View2022-11-18
Driven by curiosity about the truth, a small group of people from the Resistance wake up and establish a new organization called "Matr1x Alliance", whose mission is to establish a new world order based on co-creation and Individual Digital Sovereignty through decentralized technology.Players will choose one of the acquired avatars to fight in each game. Each avatar has his/her own legend, with his/her own purpose with unique life experience and varying appearance. As the story unfolds, more avatars will join the Matr1x world in the future.
  Veronica, Avenging White Crow 
She was born in an orphanage in Eastern Europe, where horrible massacre produced by the Uranus led to her sister's death. Veronica survived and remembered the logo of Uranus before fainting, thus looking for revenge for the rest of her life. A few years later she joined an assassin organization and participated in various assasin missions invovled with political and gang struggles. Meanwhile, she raised orphans with her commissions. While improving her skills, she collects clues about the Uranus leveraging on intelligence of her organization, and waits quietly for the opportunity of revenge. Hanssen, Captain Eagle
With a sunny and outgoing character, he is good at singing and dancing, and talks in a romantic and elegant manner. He was first created as an AI virtual idol by Vlasova to please female audiences of all ages, to appease and pacify the lower-class people. Vlasova integrated Hanssen's AI consciousness into the body of a tailor-made biochemical warrior to create an "Omnipotent Living God". After casting in a military movie and interacting with human actors, Hanssen accidentally developed self-awareness and discovered that the Uranus had created many AI idols like him, to exert controls. With the help of the Resistance, Hanssen replaced his cyberbrain chip and broke with the Uranus. Hanssen has become one of the leaders of the Hero Squad since then. Kotetsu, Tora 
He is a knowledgeable melee AI robot with Bushido spirit. As the Uranus ruler Oswin's bodyguard and military commander of the Replicae army, he is also Oswin's close friend who would not leak any secrets and could discuss about anything with. However, his designer set up a new program in Kotetsu, leading to his self-awareness. Oswin got terrified when he accidentally discovered the secret. He quickly ordered to delete Kotetsu's data, tear him apart and send his parts to diffferent locations. However, Kotetsu's cyberbrain chip was picked up by a child from the Resistance. With the help of scientists from the Resistance, Kotetsu's cyberbrain chip was reintegrated to a new body. Nash, Kid King
He is a self-taught hacking expert. When he was young, he joined groups of bands, street arts and parkour with gang friends. He became the king of children of his neighborhood due to his agility. When he grew up, he worked as a drone pilot and intelligence officer in the army. Then he joined the Thoule Group and discovered their crimes. Under the arrangement of the Resistance, he became an internet tax officer in the government. Leveraging on his hacking skills to obtain various information, he helps the Resistance to defeat attempts of the Uranus. Eiriksson, Viking Bear
Eiriksson, an arrogant and obstinate troublemaker, comes from the Nordic countries. He used to be the war hero of a mercenary group and shined again in the mech fighting arena after retirement. However, during the sixth final, he lost the game and part of his own limbs due to a natural defect of his powered armor. He hired the best lawyers to sue the manufacturer, just to lose the case due to manipulations of the Uranus. He went bankrupt and got jailed, with his reputation destroyed. After leaving prison, Eiriksson recovered after a bionic prosthetic implant and became the boss of a small gang. He numbs himself daily with alcohol until he encounters Matr1x Alliance. Nita, Amanita
Nita was one of the orphans adopted by the Berlichingens Clan. These orphans are fond of destructions when they grow up and known as Bandit Knights. Nita has a pathetic childhood. At the age of five, after witnessing the death of her mother shot by her father and his subsequent suicide, she experienced PTSD and developed multiple personalities, in occasional insantiy. After being adopted by her uncle in the Berlichingens Clan, she became even more insane and reckless under the influence of extreme ideology. "Harley Quinn" in the old movie is her idol. As she grows older and more experienced, Nita shows amazing destructive powers and is comfortable with all kinds of light and heavy weapons.
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