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Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales hits the PC

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales hits the PC

2K View2022-11-20
Only 3 months after the fantastic Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, but about 2 years after the PlayStation release, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales releases on the PC.
The same great game mechanics, the same cool marvel superhero game, but this time in a New York covered in snow and the game comes with a shorter, but far more emotional and personal main story.
What are the Pros of the PC port?
- The visuals are incredibly detailed
- You get Ray tracing support if you have a new GPU
- Ultrawidescreen support
- Blazing-fast loading times from a 4th-Gen SSD
Does it have Cons as well?
- It is not exactly cheap
- You can finish the main story in less than 10 hours
- The challenges are all very similar
- The PlayStation release was already in 2020
Still, all in all, a worthy continuation of a fantastic game, with a new hero (and support cast) and memorable story.
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it's so cool!!!!


Sky Tabag
Sky Tabag

i want spider-man miles morales


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