I love this game.
One of my favorite games to play, it's easy and the multiple/challengs keeps it from getting boring not to meantime the great community that's in reddit. You can customize your car, add liverys, buy other people's cars, sell your car, or exchange cars with other people. The graphics are pretty good and can be customized to your liking if it startt to lag with high graphics. There is a large Celestine of cars (i think around 170) with most of them having the option to change things like they front/rear bumper, side skirts, and even some wide body opting if you're into that. Some cars you have to pay for with real money with prices ranging from 1.99 to 5.99 usd and other cars use token with you can get by competing mission and claim your daily rewards. And finally be careful with what you are about to buy from people in multiplayer, they will try to scam you and don't give anyone who's begging for money anything.
master_bater 2 21256942017387K2022-10-23
Makes the car worse in what way? Isn't tuning part of it as well?