DEVBLOG017-Biweekly Progress
This should be the last dev blog before Beta. In the past 2 weeks, we have finished the rest of the content. Then we will finish the final touch in the following days. After the Unreal Engine 5.1 upgrade, some new bugs occur, we are still looking into the bugs. Hopefully we could fix them soon by the next week.
Here are the updates in the past 2 weeks.
Core Gameplay
1️⃣ We've added the VFX of the bullet drop so players are able to see the ballistic trajectory now. With such information players could learn the patterns and control the guns better.
2️⃣ We optimized the VFX of embers in the lootbox. Now you could directly see embers on the ground if the lootbox contains ember.
3️⃣ We optimized the rescue process a little bit. Now the rescue process will not be interrupted when downed player moves within a certain range.
4️⃣ We also optimized the meds. Now when you use the meds, there will be a continuous HP recovery instead of instant cure. Also, when you are using the meds, your moving will be limited a little bit.
5️⃣ We've added the matchmaking system. The objective is to avoid players to team up toxically. We don't want to see some 10+ players zergs controlling the whole server ruining other players' experiences. So we started to make a matchmaking system to try to distribute players randomly into different sessions, making it harder to zerg. But we don't have many players now, so we might need to test the matchmaking system out to see if it really works. I'm looking forward to your feedback in Beta.
1️⃣ Some models are still work-in-progress.
2️⃣ We optimized the VFX of the campfire.
3️⃣ We optimized the VFX of the clue pad in civilization ruins.
4️⃣ We are still optimizing the general environment of the map and changed some of the location of civilization ruins.
There are still a lot new stuff in Beta. I won't release all of them here. The purpose of Beta is to help us making the game even better, so we look forward to your feedbacks of gameplay and bugs. You could find the way to submit your feedback in Discord or through our in-game customer service platform. Thank you for your support! See you guys in Beta!


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u just leave me alone lol