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Nikke, Goddess of Victory

Nikke, Goddess of Victory

1K View2022-11-22
I'm into this for the jiggles, i'm waifu trash glad you asked.
Just started it.
Visually, I am an enjoyer. Working through the campaign and upgrading my girls. Not had so much fun since Counter:Side.
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Nikke Goddess of Victory.(The game ware every girl and guy can find their true waifu complaining NO)
Goddess of Victory: NIKKE is an ADDICTIVE and SUPER FUN WAIFU GAME
Download: Goddess of Victory NIKKE or just NIKKE for short, is an idle type third person shooter action game with some incredibly beautiful anime waifu art designs. Developed by Shift Up who are well known for their other super popular anime game: Destiny Child. And published by Level Infinite, who is also tied to Tower of Fantasy. If you're familiar with Destiny Child and Shift Up, you should probably have a pretty good idea with what you can expect, art wise in NIKKE. Especially since one of the illustrators from Destiny Child is the one who did the artwork for NIKKE. If you're looking for a super addictive third person idle shooter game with amazingly gorgeous waifu, then this is the game for you. Download it now and try it for yourself.
Sonata Dawnstar4K2022-11-07
Goddess of Victory NIKKE is full of EYE CANDY WAIFUS and GORGEOUS ACTION
Download NOW: Goddess of Victory NIKKE or just NIKKE for short, is an idle type third person shooter action game with some incredibly beautiful anime waifu art designs. Developed by Shift Up who are well known for their other super popular anime game: Destiny Child. And published by Level Infinite, who is also tied to Tower of Fantasy. NIKKE's story is deep and really dark but also very entertaining too. Most of the jokes are carried by Neon and Anis, and Anis sure does have the best disappointed face in the game. I think she's the only one with that face emote to be honest. The game does however get very dark, and numerous times I've felt like my NIKKE are in danger of losing their lives in the story cinematics. It doesn't help that the ending of the tutorial drops a nice big dose of feels into the game, and that's only in less than an hour of playing it. Pretty much setting the tone for this game.
Sonata Dawnstar3K2022-11-06
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