Let's team up
Anyone wanna team up who want to use mics. I'm can't stand being let down by my teammates in ranked because they either don't know how to make the best use of their character. Or they desert you when we should be standing together. This game can't be played like it's Call of Duty. I don't care about loses a care about growth and I'm willing to give any advise to the team
What's your tag
Names DIVERS3 I'll play. I play to when but I don't mind taking a loss from time to time. It makes everything better when you able to communicate
My tag is Birch
only reason I don't use mic is cuz ppl get annoying I had ppl say I suck then I end up carrying the team solo cuz I didn't follow their directions I'm over mic communication good teams work with or without mic
Actually against a team worthy of giving you a challenge will in most cases but beat you when quick and instant mic communication would make all the difference.