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Agent BUG
Agent BUG is a TAPPING Style CARTOONY Game That Just Felt a Bit TOO PLAIN for Me

Agent BUG is a TAPPING Style CARTOONY Game That Just Felt a Bit TOO PLAIN for Me

649 View2022-12-01
Agent Bug is a simple tapping style of game that just felt a little bit too boring for my liking. You spend most of the early game just opening air drop boxes over and over before any combat even happens, which doesn't seem like a very good intro to a game if you ask me. I actually found myself asking out loud "Is this the game? Just opening boxes for gear?" and it surely did feel that way
And I'm not kidding, the game had me opening air drops and other simple tasks for 10 minutes before it even introduced the combat... I honestly thought that was the whole game.
Gameplay wise this game is as simple as it can get, you really don't have to do much except open boxes, check the stats, equip the best stat item and then rinse and repeat until you think you are strong enough to fight the next enemy. The combat is auto, you don't have to do anything for it. Just sit back and watch your worm shoot an enemy. Then once it is complete, go back to opening boxes. And occasionally you can upgrade your dropship to potentially give you a higher percentage at getting better loot. This does come with a timer however, the last time I tried to upgrade, I had a 20 minute timer which I could speed up with speed up tickets, which removed most of the time allowance, but I still had to wait 9 minutes after it was consumed.
There are also 3 other playable tabs I'm assuming, one has a gun icon, another a map, and the other has a tent on it. I'm not sure what each of them are since I wasn't able to unlock them since I found the gameplay too boring to make it to level 10 to unlock the gun tab. But the other 2 are even higher on the level unlock. The tent is unlocked at level 15 and the map is unlocked at level 25. That's some pretty high levels to try and survive this game. If you can do it, I'm pretty impressed, but yeah that's not something I feel like torturing myself with.
Visually this game is very cartoony, the soldier you have is a worm, and it reminds me a lot of the Worms games of the past. I almost thought this game was related to them with how similar it looks. There isn't much else since the landscape is just a barren desert and the combat animations are also very simple. The armor and weapons your worm wears show up for the most part, So you can dress them up if you want. As long as you have enough clothing to do so. This game won't tax your device at all with how simple the visuals are, so if you do feel like playing this, you shouldn't have to worry unless your phone is pretty old.
Overall I'd say that Agent BUG is not worth playing, I always assumed tapper type games were to try to keep boredom away from just tapping like crazy, but this one isn't really like that, its very slow in the drops and selecting items, so I'm assuming this is just for those who love to RNG and hope for some good armors from the air drops and then maybe spending to speed things up and dress up your worm in the best armor as possible. This game was not for me, but if you enjoy these types of games, more power to you. Maybe you will like this one? You can download it and find out for yourself.
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Agent BUG is a VERY SIMPLE tapping game with not much else to it.
Agent Bug is a tap to claim loot mobile game. You spend the first 10 minutes tapping on the "AirDro" button getting loot. And yeah, the P is missing in AirDrop, but idk if thats on purpose or not. The characters remind me of the old Worms games, but not as fun. You just keep opening air drops until you get some okay gear. Then you just auto attack some enemy a few times then get more air drops. There are other unlockable tabs but you need to get to level 10 to unlock the gun tab, and level 20 for a map tab? and 15 to unlock the camp tab? I'm just assuming that's what they are because the game doesn't even tell you. This game is a tapper type of game, but it felt a bit too slow for a proper tapper game. It might feed your desires on what could be next in the air drop, but for the most part it just got boring real fast. I gave it 2 stars mainly because at least it looked nice. Other than that it's not that great.
Agent BUG - Gameplay
Aesthetics are quite unique! Despite how simple it looks, I have a feeling this game has quite a bit of depth.
Drip Commander2K2022-11-29
Waiting for the release
I had lots of games on my phone and needed another multiplayer game to add to my collection. This game intrigued me so much and it's exciting that it will come out soon! I'm sure it will be such a great game just by the looks of it. Also, I could have my son play it because of its friendly characters. It looks like it has a lot of things to do in it and you get to compete with other players too. I read its description and you really need to work on every level to be able to rank up, so I think it would be a challenging game and that is what makes the game more fun.
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