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Battlefield™ Mobile
Lol what did I just play

Lol what did I just play

967 View2022-12-04
If you have ever played Battlefield on PC, you will be highly disappointed with what this mobile version offers.
The graphics seem like a rushed, cartoonish affair. The mechanics are weird, and the controls - are awry.
There is not much to say, honestly, as the game seems to be in the pre-pre-pre alpha stage from the gameplay. We can wait and hope the mobile version follows suit with the PC series and gives us stunning visuals and 'only in battlefield' moments.
As of now, it is barely playable.
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They are still working on it dud


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I tried battlefield mobile I must say it need some serious work. For making comparison I have screen shots of another game whose gameplay and graphics are better and I want the graphics and gameplay to be the same. I have compared battle prime to battlefield because I think this comparison is fair enough to improve the battlefield overall quality. If I talk about graphics and gameplay of battle prime it's too good and I know BF is in development. If anyone of you have doubt just try the game. I tried battlefield on max setting and it doesn't feel like max setting. Controls are not responsive sometime I have to tap scope icon thrice to make it work so you can imagine how much work needs to be done. I know some may not agree to my pov and I welcome any criticism regarding my review.
Sanjay Negi2K2022-03-24
hey battlefield mobile ...the game is absolutely great but Some thing yoi didn't add... lobby music. good sensitivity. and my character is look too much bad. low ms144- and wait little moment cause i download now and let me see how many bugs i face see you after this feedback......love from india ❤️
Notty Star1K2022-03-24
Battlefield Mobile Review | NEEDS A LOT OF IMPROVEMENT
The Devs have to fix/imrpove some things in the game: First of all is (a) Graphics, many players want the Devs to imrpove the graphics because it isn't up to par with Call Of Duty Mobile and Apex Legends Mobile, the game has the graphics of an old Wii Call Of Duty game (b) Gameplay, the game doesn't seem to have a lot of action-packed gameplay based on my personal opinion (c) Movement, the game has clunky movements which kinds of disappoint me since a lot of popular games that are coming to mobile has better movement in there Alpha Tests
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