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Fortnite Chapter 4 BattlePass, Map, Graphics, Perks and more!

Fortnite Chapter 4 BattlePass, Map, Graphics, Perks and more!

1K View2022-12-04
Fortnite Chapter 4 is now here! The servers are currently down while I am writing this post.
Though that it is down, we still have confirmed skins, items and etc.
The first thing I want to show is the MrBeast skin is now finally confirmed!
You can see MrBeast falling through space. Another thing is Hulk is now going to be in Fortnite.
Hulk is riding a motorbike in space going to the Chapter 4 map. These skins will be releasing into the item shop sometime soon. If you want to see the BattlePass and trailer here it is! 👇
In the trailer, you can see that we finally have motorbikes, a first-person mode, new skins a new map and new mythics. All this is new and fresh, and I am grateful that this is happening.
There is a icon series emote that will be realising at some point, which is from IshowSpeed!
When breaking something, you will see some of its bark, metal and brick coming out. Clouds will also change depending on the weather. There is so much going on and it’s hard to explain, but chapter 4 will also come with creative 2.0 in early January.
After the servers go up, there will be more updates that are coming so look out for those.
Fortnite chapter 4 (one of the poi’s) 👇
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Thx guys <3
jhkyinAramafnan Altiay
jhkyinAramafnan Altiay



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