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Skelly Shot
Real Mr. Skeleton got 100 layers | Skelly Shot Review

Real Mr. Skeleton got 100 layers | Skelly Shot Review

1K View2022-12-05
Great sound effects and bgm! Makes this game a lot more fun. The graffiti style of painting makes the game humorous. Its gameplay will remind me of NS-Shaft. I have to say I quite enjoyed bouncing Mr. Skull off the ground time by time - after all, it looked like it was on the verge of falling apart.
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Skelly Shot is a ENTERTAINING and FUNNY game to play while KILLING TIME.
Skelly Shot is an entertaining and hilarious game about a skeleton who just wants some milk from his fridge. But as he's a skeleton, he needs help to get to his fridge, but you apparently tapped on his bed too hard, and now he's been sent to Hell, or the "Down There" as it's called in the game.  This is basically when the actual gameplay kicks in. Gameplay of Skelly shot is basically you using giant elastic bands to shoot the skeleton up into the air and try to get them back to their home. Of course I don't think you actually can get them back home. Instead you just need to keep shooting them up in the air by catching them with the available elastic bands. Hitting the coffins will also give you an even greater boost
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