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GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE - Puchu aji's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-12-07
I love the game but so many problem in the game.  The progression is too hard, they give us too little material. Theres nothing to do in game because I cant progress. Expensive battlepass compared to other games. They lying about censorship too.
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Game is really good and has a lot of potential, but I see some really bad things within the game that could really ruin it. For example, the fact that you have to pay for some heroes or open 400+ rumble boxes in order to get them is absolutely horrible. I understand the devs want money, but all heroes should be easily accessible to even the F2P players imo. Also, the ranked system is terrible. needs improvement. Its just a blank number of trophies that you have. You should be able to lose trophies when you lose. You should probably remake the entire ranked system tbh. Also we need more ways to progress in the battle pass.
Transgender Moms2K2022-05-29
This is a genuinely good game. I was here since season 3. The only problem I have is those colourful skins, but that’s just a minor issue. Runs smooth, great gameplay. Battlepass skins never disappoint me, especially season 12 battlepass.
basically abandoned 1K2023-02-16
The game is very, very bad, the stamina runs out easily and the wait takes a really long time, then when you level up the content is all rubbish, it's no use the visuals are good but the game is trash
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