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Hello Neighbor 2
Hello Neighbor, you mean Bad Neighbor / Indie Game Review: Hello Neighbor 2 - DON'T BUY!!

Hello Neighbor, you mean Bad Neighbor / Indie Game Review: Hello Neighbor 2 - DON'T BUY!!

14K View2022-12-08
The quiet town of Raven Brooks, where everyone is hiding something. You are an investigative journalist looking to uncover the darkest secrets of your neighbors and solve the case of Mr.Peterson, the infamous antagonist of Hello Neighbor 1.
Sneak around, search for clues behind the mysteries and play against complex opponents controlled by advanced AIs - the whole town is your playground now!
Always lovely to see the next part of the " Hello Neighbor" Series, but also really needs abit of fixing up here and there.
Hello Neighbor 2 gets a rating of
Wait before you buy. It's in abit of a Messy state at the moment, so wait, please... Or maybe don't get it...at all.
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IndieVoice Not A Veteran😡 And Sucks!!


Anjita Ranadhnd
Anjita Ranadhnd

hello neighbour 2 play in mobile please I love my game,😭😭😭😭


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