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Censorship ruining this game

Censorship ruining this game

2K View2022-12-08
Short review, Destiny Child already solved this problem with the TapTap version, i think Nikke should consider to do that too. The dev should know what their players base want and make the right decision or the game and dev team reputation just getting worse. For now i think I'll leave and stay with Destiny Child.
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Hentai Chan
Hentai Chan

the one who manage the game is not shift up anymore is Tencent(level infinite)



of course, it's always tencent who ruin everygame with their greed, as if one EA is enough and now we have 2 on each platform, but tbh, the censorship happen is because tencent is a chinese's corp and china is heavily censor everything even culture so yeah, idk how to feel to be a chinese


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The dev is ruining this good game
I actually enjoy this game at first, even paying for those monthly pass and other stuff. But after seeing all the censoring bulls**t by the dev and the lack of contents to play, the gameplay is replicate again and again and start to bored me out my love for this game is gone, yea completely NONE right now. The story is actually fine and its the only why I'm still playing this game. About censorship, the solution is actually easy, their other game "Destiny Child" already done really well, just make the TapTap version completely uncensored and the players will happy. That actually easy 🙄,  so please dev team, make the right decision and save this game. If the dev don't even know what their player want then that it, I'm done with this game.
Hồng Quân Triệu6K2022-12-08
Censorship, ewwww, non f2p friendly, ewwwww
You better realize what the players play this game for to begin with, the gameplay isn't great, the game is buggy as hell, you people left no time for the game to develop and straight up slap in censorship and make this game unhealthy for f2p player is like you trying to speed runthis game from open to closed
Touched by Tencent
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