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League of Legends: Wild Rift
Storytelling (Bark)

Storytelling (Bark)

5K View2022-12-10
What did it said again? Avoid player system limit is 3 and can only be used on diamond rank and below? Man, I wanna avoid certain player even in master rank and more than mere 3, at least make it 10 as a limit. The other day I got queued with this player I would love to avoid (him and his stupidity) as a teammate then the obvious result pops up, the next other day I got queued again with him even when I play in a different time.
My last match there was this one teammate such a definition of complete garbage adc main (he picked Teemo atm), he said "I've got 6 lose streaks let's make it 7" I was chill and just play my game I picked Vi) because he still moving at the beginning and it was the best condition as it possibly could (at least one of) to start the game.
Why? I stole opponent's red buff + first blood the jungler (Idk why he picked Camille jungle when there are literally far better jungler on current patch like Warwick (best imo), Kayn) then got both riftcutlers and kill Camille again whilst contest 2nd riftcutler then I gank bot since I near dragon lane (bottom) and they were fighting both enemies hp are only half left (Miss Fortune and Senna) I killed em both too so I got triple kill (4-0-0 score). This should be a winning game (1 slot Vi 3 minutes), but after that fight this mf typed "Bye afk" fckin intentionally (it's not like I KS he ain't participate in that fight and just stay under tower, enemies half HP from Morgana's spell (Yea master rank yet still dying like that from lvl 1 Morgana is dumb, and both adc + sp). Actually we still doing good 4v5 because I outfarm the enemies but anyway it's a defeat then when I was about to report + add him to avoid list it ain't possible and I was like "tf?" At least make players feel relieved with this avoid system, I do agree avoid system limited to certain rank but not master rank, above master is fine. I sent a report to them about this dunno what they gonna do. After that match I checked his profile, and he's garbage no wonder he got 6(7) lose streaks from 4K matches all season he got only about 600 S & A rating combined. It's not even 1/6 of total matches, don't be this guy that can't even carry the game yet such a babyrage animal behaviour.
Man, let me tell any of you this especially if you are competitive carry user (jungler, solo/offlaner, midlaner, adc) and you are losing most of the matches recently check your profile then go see your history ranked stats. LoL have S & A rating system which is good (I'd give credit when it's due) to tell how good your performance is every game whether you win or lose you can still get S rating. I'll put example from my history match.
If your S & A rating combined below 1/4 of total matches you ain't doing good, you need to rather reflect and improve instead of blaming all shit to others like that one guy (just perfect example).
That's all. Finally after few drafts 🗿
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Once again you try to think you are intelligent by not using vulgar language apparently because you are morally perfect right? Why I bother even coming back is because you try to call me incoherent when you can't say anything remotely smart yourself. 'Obviously' 🤓 you are scared of words like every other troglodyte so arguing with you makes no sense. Just like a dog it doesn't matter what you say to it it matters how you say it since they are too dumb either way. I dont want to just spread negativity but also just fuck you so whatever. Take it however you want but reply again and I won't bother with another comment. Just speak your own language mkay.


Ordpyer Author

You're right, when a stranger told a sensitive stray dog to stop barking it doesn't matter what the stranger say to the dog, the dog would just bark louder and louder and animal just keep being an animal.


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I can't read a thing you said. Speak English better or just don't use it. You complain about nothing just get good kid.


Ordpyer Author

Huh? Oh, then try to improve your reading ability, best first step is to learn the alphabets.


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Okay so here's the cold hard facts... This game is rigged...hold on,hold on... listen to me.As a former ML player(and trust me I have been playing this game for a very long time)every time u r on a win streak, the algorithm will definitely most definitely pair u with some one of the most nubbest shits in the game(and they r toxic and racist af)and then,they will continue pairing u up with the same trash players.Of course,u will get tired of losing after 4-5 matchs,then u will get frustrated(most likely to happen)(and don't even think of giving me that 'mindset' shit,that shit is bullsh*t)then the next day u will play again cause ur on a lose streak and u want to climb the rank or increase ur hero power,then they will give u good teammates this time because they wanna keep us playing the game again and again and again...this is a deadly cycle (this is just like an addiction and trust me I had been addicted to this game for the past 4 years)this is like the Matrix and I have just BROKEN it.
Ezekiel Addams1K2023-03-30
Fffff this montoon always fking give me a useless player i can't even rank up
Fffff this montoon always fking give me a useless player i can't even rank up fffff enemy have a fking always good player we can't say anything cuz of the violation i don't wanna play anymore
Rala Ralte8112022-09-08
(I am learning English) I don't often play game but this game I spend time into it the most. But recently it make me depressed, in japan server players keep watching Korea youtube about weird strategies such as Rakan mid or Yasuo support. It happened this afternoon, I played 3 and I lost 3 matches I played carry role and a support guy picked yasuo and I asked him why, he just said because he play for fun but it is rank match. I hope Riot will ban these players!!!
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