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Shadow Fight 4: Arena
Shadow Fight 4: Arena - Supreet Oberoi's Posts - TapTap

830 View2022-12-12
Worst game. Pay to win. Not for new be who does not like to spend a whole lot of money and time as the items cost in every scenario is 3ice and still unfair game. Touch reaction delay 5g fiber on high performance setting i  relme 7 then also glitching frame drop. This game only for flagship gaming smartphone who are willing to pay what the game s
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Shadow Gamer7101
Shadow Gamer7101

bruh its F2P game you just need time to get those legendary heros thats all


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Very good and fun game that you can play on low end device without any lags. I recomendé the game
hehe boï132024-03-17
Garbage Game
Genuine review : 1. Auto everything , there is no skill involved . Game is completely depended on money. 2. There is still lag everywhere even in snapdragon 888 processor , if it is made for emulator then why do you release this game for mobile platform ? 3. Main importantly I need to wait for more then fcking 1000 players in the queue to play this garbage game daily , I'm retard if i still keep this game installed.
The game is overall good but the game is not recommended for low end devices and sometimes in high end devices also we can see lag,jitter and crashes except that the game is really good from graphics, gameplay etc.
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