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The Division Resurgence
The Division Resurgence - ECCHIGODFTW Lit's Posts - TapTap

703 View2022-12-15
Plays beautifully and is exactly like the division 1&2 in terms of gameplay. My only fear is that they ruin this game with micro transactions. Just make the microtransactions for cosmetics. Make players earn weapons in the game. There is no auto battle so that will give players sonething to work towards while actually playing the game. Just some thoughts.
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Kudos to Ubisoft
Scratching the idea of making Division Resurgence as a 5v5 turn based strategy game and making such an epic shooter game is the best thing Ubisoft has ever done. This game doesn't feel like a beta version. Haven't experienced any bugs or framedrops till now. Increased graphics settings to play but my phone is surprisingly not heating up even after playing for almost an hour. The graphics of this game is top notch. The environment details weather effects are unparalleled. The lighting is a bit disappointing tbh. The light sources in the environment has no effect on the player model. The gunplay and cover system is also great. Ill update the review once I've spent 10+ hours in the game.
I've been playing The Division 2 on PC for the better part of a year. Have at least 900 hrs in that game. Resurgence really brings that high end game feel I've come to love in its older brother's version. 🎮 Gameplay: played about 8 hrs so far and look forward to more. I am using a controller and it sometimes feels as visceral and smooth as playing the division 2. I highly recommend playing with a controller w gyro as, imo, is the best way to play. There is some jank but as a beta, that's to be expected.
story line is ok. its good enough for  mobile game but nothing craazy. What can i say about gameplay other than its the division. literrally plays like the other games but on mobile. Shooting feels great. Skills are good but could be better. No armor system like Div2 but does have an armor stat. 👍 Pros: The Best thing i like about the Game so far are the OS system,skill mods and the fact that you can have 2 talents on high end and exotic weapons which makes it really fun to grind for your favorite weapons in the game and make the end game enjoyable.
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