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GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE - AIzen Vermillion's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-12-15
There are 4 problems with this game:
1. Character Design Censorship: The character designs were hurriedly altered from their CBT designs and now looks bad, to put it nicely.
2. Buggy: The game is buggy and that would've been fine but everytime they make an update, somehow, another line of bugs gets in after they fix the old ones.
3. Monetization: This game is P2W, F2P are gonna struggle really hard and so will low spenders because the purchases are very low rewarding to actual make an impact.
4. Questionable Age Rating: This game and it's story narratives while not showing actual depiction but only through written text is ranges from sexually suggestive to outright sexually active. This game is marketed as either 12+ or 13+ which could expose children that are playing to unnecessary sexual albeit Text-Written only content.
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This game looks not approrpiate for kids because contains sex and nudity.
Well to give you idea, it's full of ads? I mean its understandable but considering its graphics well it's not a good idea to put that much ads in that game. Also the gameplay and graphics, let's just say a little kid might not like it too.
This game is ok
This game is ok ig I'm not saying it bad but, like the story "don't hate the player" it's really good but. There needs to be more non sexual stories bc I'm asexual and it makes me uncomfortable, plus the outfits. You always have to dress trashy its like 10 percent of getting to have a dress on and pick. Only think your alound to pick is the text but you always end up hurting people if you don't waste money to buy diamonds
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