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Netease needs to open global

Netease needs to open global

783 View2022-12-17
Overall for me as an amateur gamer the game is good, the only issues I have is that I couldn't connect to any matches for 2 days. Compared to my ping on Codm being 46ms on this game my ping is 10x more than other games I play. The other issues like only being limited to Asia is terrible as so many other gamers global cannot enjoy full features of the game when they invest in the game by purchasing in game content. Maybe once this is fixed then I'll get it again.
But keep up the great work N
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OThe game is good, well built and such, but there are no players in the game, completely abandoned, this is not to be expected from Netease, focused only on Blood Striker and leaving others to their own devices
Game was suuuper fun at first then it turned hard-core p2w and luck is seldom in this game.waiting for undawn to release global but have a feelin it'll turn the same myadvice dontcwaste time on this one go to undawn n hope they stick to what they say cuz netease sucks!!!
Just want it ! NetEase was making good games , after India banned several games , gaming feels like shit !
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