I believe many new players may have such questions, how to make the control buttons easier to play on mobile in HAAK.
To solve this problem, we have added a function to customize control buttons in HAAK.
Please follow the following steps to set up,
1. Open system menu(upMiddle)
2. Click "Others"
3. Click "CONTROL"
4. Drag circle to adjust position, click highlight circle button to change size,
or click "Restore to default".
5. Click "Back"
6. Click "Confirm"
Besides, HAAK supports the handle controller of the mobile.
We highly recommend using a handle controller for a better game experience.
If you still have any questions, don't forget to let me know.
Please leave me a comment below.
Thank you for playing HAAK. Enjoy ~ ; )
My game doesn't work, I don't know what the problem is