
Games worth discovering

Brave Nine - Tactical RPG
Best Korean game I've played

Best Korean game I've played

2K View2022-12-19
Graphic 8/10
This includes the art of mercenary and companion. The art vibe of this game just uniquely good and different from other, its really set the era and story of the game ,the sad thing is there nothing we can do about background
Gameplay 10/10
There no other game with gameplay like this, you literally have thousands of strategy to tackle any stage of this game If you wanna follow the veteran formation sure,if you want to build from scratch that's work too
Sound 6/10 too repetitive and sometimes still b
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Graphics and gameplay is great. I like the game. I can't give 5 stars tho, because I can't speak on the story. I can't read Korean. So that part is a mystery... The Google translate app helps on the PC version but I only use it for menus and stats etc. This game is actually really beautiful and I love the character that I created. I really hope we get this one out west with out censorship.
ECCHIGODFTW Lit1K2023-08-11
After playing if for some hours the game is addicting. Super fun and makes you think how to improve gear wise. Graphics are amazing. Gameplay is smooth. However Game is constantly crashing on me in fights Even though its in Korean I optimised it to play smoothly and to my enjoyment. There can be hours of non crashing but in some specific areas have that critical error where game just drops. Overall good 8.5/10 for me even though I don't understand a thing I got hang of it as its similar to poe/diablo. Looking forward to English version
A Korean game that is great; Actually I am impressed~
The art is superb! Voice actors are great too, the emotion is there when they are saying their dialogue. Gameplay is easy enough; the tutorial is detailed and easy to understand. The story is great too. You can reroll if you want. First look for a tier list, but yeah, not all of us are lucky. I would like to recommend the game.
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