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Tiny Blaster
A quite challenging game, but I find it quite repetitive

A quite challenging game, but I find it quite repetitive

1K View2022-12-21
The game really has a bit of challenging testing your mechanical skills to dodge enemies per level, and it gets difficult as it progresses. I just find it a bit repetitive that you will have to challenge the same things for a long period and eventually it will get a bit boring. Nonetheless, it's a game where you'll shoot enemies and get rewards once you clear the level. That's all to it.
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This is an entertaining stimulating game
The game is a bit challenging, testing your mechanic skills to dodge enemies at each level, and it gets harder and harder as you progress. It's a little boring at the end; however, it's a game where you shoot enemies and earn rewards when you clear levels. That's all. You can download this game from the AppStore and lots of other enjoyable games.
Challenging but very satisfying.
Started off enjoying it due to the beep bo boop music at from the start. Took a little bit to get used to it but once you do it's extremely satisfying to line up the enemies and  slice through a line of them only to hop over a rock and skewer the next one. My only complaint is that it feels crowded sometimes and gives you less options, but other than that it's a pretty great game!
A bit addictive and definitely one of the greatest games I've ever played.
This game looks easy but it's really challenging. As time goes by, the number of enemies increases, which makes it harder. I even got stuck on one level. I think it's addictive too because when I started playing it, I felt that I didn't want to stop anymore. The enemies I encountered had a lot of variety. That's why it never gets boring. It's really great, what makes it greater is it can be played offline!
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