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20 Minutes Till Dawn
20 Minutes Till Dawn - beas's Posts - TapTap

2K View2022-12-23
Now that I played the full game and experienced pretty much all the content I can give a review, it is pretty solid it has its things that make it special from the rest, though it gets boring after a while and need a lot more content, after that it is just doing darkness which is a challenge but nothing special at all, just plain difficulty with no reward whatsoever, there is nothing that makes you want to keep going after a couple of successful runs which is not necessarily a problem since it has a lot of replayability with different build variations but I feel like its kinda empty out side of that, it needs A LOT more stuff (enemies, prettier maps, music, optimization, weapons and character balance, at least a bit of lore, why do they have super abilities, why are they all women, where are they and why), I know that the devs will surely fix these in the future but I wanted to share my take on it, I think I will hope out for a while until it gets something interesting
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Wasted potential. Devs could've upgraded the previous game but instead made this half working atrocity with too much monetization. The levels are not generated,all of them are pre-made and there is almost nothing to do except killing enemies, collecting cards and doing it all over again,the equipment is bad mostly and if you want something good you just spend some money or pray to get lucky to get a chest key. Honestly you dont even need equipments to beat the game, you just have to max the strength stat and spam skills, absolutely no fun.
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Well here is my honest review, I've been played and finished the story (the most update when I write this review). So here we go the fist thing that I want to mention is that the combat mekanik that I really like, you can parry and counter attack the enemy, that was really impressive. Next thing that I want to mention was the graphic and characters design, the developer wast cooking pretty well, I mean dude when your character wake up for the first time and the first thing that we see is the goddess looking women, good job dev
The game is good but It lacks a lot of aspects for endgame. Concept: 7.5/10(wasted) Gameplay: 8/10(not bad) Music: 4.5/10(bad) Graphics: 8/10(good for a pixel game) Playability: 8/10(controls are good but better if u can set them up) Entertainment: 8/10(early) | 4/10(endgame) Creativity on Character kits: -9/10(it's just plain horrible) Game Balance: -9/10(same with this one) Almost 2 months of dry content.
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