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Dragonheir: Silent Gods
Dragonheir PROS and CONS. Is it worth it?

Dragonheir PROS and CONS. Is it worth it?

2K View2022-12-24
Dragonheir Silent Gods is a fantasic hero collector RPG game that I loved a lot, but it have some drawbacks that I found important. In this article we will talk about both good and bad sides of Dragonheir Silent Gods so you can decide if this is the right game for you.
1. Stunning Graphics. Game looks amazing on the phone, tablet or PC. Character details, enemies, landscape, animations. Everything is top notch with attention to the details.
2. Great Story. I never expected a good story from the hero collector game, but Dragonheir got so many RPG elements in the game, that it feels like an RPG with hero collector elements, not vice versa.
3. Unique approach to the game mechanics we are used to. Everything in the game is made a little bit differently than what we are used to. Heroes dont recover HP between the fights, so you have to use potions, crafting interface looks cool, fights are auto but you can control the skills and so on. A lot of small things that makes the difference.
1. Story progress is limited by your adventure level. Yes, you heard it right. at some point you will have to slow down, farm dailys and dungeons in order to get more adventurer exp to unlock further story quests, areas and mechanics. And it comes slow outside of main events
2. Hero Summon stones are rare. Chance of getting legendary hero is 2%, Epic one 10%. You get guaranteed one on 55th and 20th summon respectively. But it takes a lot of time to get the summon stones and if your luck is bad you will be left with rare or epic heroes only
3. It takes a lot of time to unlock all the game mechanics. I played the game for 4 days hard, but still have locked things like Arena, Advanced weapon crafting and so on. Its not that bad, but Im impatient.
Overall with all Pros and Cons considered Dragonheir Silent Gods is a fantastic game, that you should at least try. It have a lot of new ideas and unique approach to mobile gaming, cool graphics, intense gameplay, and deep story with dialogues and drama. I highly recommend this game, specifically for people who like RPGs and Hero Collector Genre.
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