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1K View2022-12-24
I Really Love This Game But The Mobile Version Is Just Disappointing There's No Players In The Game So You Can't Play It Properly And There's Full Of Bugs Really Hope They Can Fix This And Not Abandoned The Game
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I have the PC version and it is a BLAST, would LOVE to spend money on a mobile version, as much as I want this game now there's obviously some quality and lag issues with some phones running this and they need time to fix these issues because this was just inserted into mobile directly with no UI changes or anything.   
Totally Okay!1K2023-02-08
This is an awesome game I never thought this game would have a mobile version I love this game And what I would like to say is that some of the game systems are not perfect but they are well made But there are also bugs such as Stuck in the wall and falling off the map Keep it up I love this game.
Fgd Ghh1082024-04-28
It's one on the worst mobile games ever why release a game that most mobile players can't even play at all right now I was super excited to play it but just from the release it's an x on my mobile gaming list for sure and won't be playing it at all
Jerein Hodge342024-05-05
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