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Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven - Delta ☬'s Posts - TapTap

584 View2022-12-25
- Best gameplay and combat system- Some of the best character designs and skins in any gacha game.
- Perfect balance between strong characters and challenging gameplay. While still being fair with rewards and hard content being completely optional if it isn't your cup of tea.
- Best boss fight in any gacha game you can find.
- Great Story and Lore which is not pay walled in any way. And has occasional heavy and sad moments.
- One of the best OST in any gacha games out there.
- Best gacha rates in any game (technically you can get all characters just by doing dailies and weeklies. The game even gives you S rank selectors occasionally).
- No fear of missing out on any character cause they get added to standard banners and because of the long gap between CN and Global version, which makes future planing for characters easier.
- And to whom it may concern, the game will soon be releasing a PC client.
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Great game, amaizing story, amaizing osts, grat visuals, great characters, the chat thing is nice, because its not forced and when you do it you get to see a nice bit of their personality, its a really great game, the gacha rate isnt really that nice and 200 rolls that reset each banner is an overkill, but honestly theyre really generous on gifts so its fair game, just think which banner you want to skip and youll most likely get the character you want, overall a great gacha game and my current favorite one.
One of the best free gachas I've ever played, especially if you are into tower defense.  Every character is useful or fun to use whilst some are broken and hit like a truck. Once you understand the game's mechanics, you can pretty much 3star every mission. Also incredible art and music.
Opinion: one of the best gacha games 👍 Pros: free to play (of course you still need to save your resources) , hero gacha is usually not a big problem since you got enough to pity most heroes released (moonlight heroes - heroes with element light and dark - excluded) when you been played for a while , PvP give all players opportunity to win against even stronger players (this is also a con, mention later), devs give quite much reward in events, new player event is real good
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