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Game Guides for newbies

3K View2022-12-27
[2022-11-18] Good 5-star Heroes Tier - Version:0.15.0
The newest hero tier info is written by one of our players. Many thanks for his efforts.
T0+ ~ T1 ordered by strength, T2 ordered at random.
◆After the hero reaches 10 Stars, this hero's talent system will be unlocked
●Based on the slots, the hero's talent will be divided into Outer Talents (4) and Core Talents (1)
★Unlocking each talent requires one 6-Star Hero copy as material
◆There is no specific order requirement to unlock outer talents. But you need to completely unlock the outer talents to unlock the core talent
●After the talent of a slot is unlocked, you can select one from the 3 reserved talents to ignite
★You can change your own hero talent at any time, without additionally spending more resources
●Each one talent slot unlocked will bring a change to the hero's portrait frame
Various Debuff Status Effects Clarification
-Stunned: the victim cannot perform normal attack, nor cast active skills
-Frozen: the victim cannot perform normal attack, nor cast active skills. The difference from the being stunned is that some skills allow its user to be immune from being stunned (The 4-piece set effect from Wasteland Lord for instance)
-Silenced: the victim can perform normal attack, but cannot cast active skills
-Paralyzed: the victim's ATK Speed is reduced by 50%
-Chaos: the victim can only perform normal attack and they might hit their teammates
-Disappeared: the victim is temporarily removed from the battle. They will not be affected by anything and cannot move
-Taunted: the victim can perform normal attack on condition that the victim must attack the target casting taunt.
-When applying a debuff status, it subtracts the defender's Effect Resist from the attacker's Effect ACC, the result will be the success chance to apply a debuff status
About Some "Confusing" Stats
-Armor Break: It settles the a percentage of armor that will be ignored by the damage. Formula: DEF(1/(1+Armor Break%)
"-Healing Effect Boost & Healing Effect Weaken: Healing Effect Weaken will be subtracted from Healing Effect Boost first and there will be different formula to settle based on the value of the result:
A: Healing Boost > Healing Weaken: Initiate Heal Amount (1+(Healing Boost - Healing Weaken))
B: Healing Boost < Healing Weaken: Initiate Heal Amount/(1+(Healing Weaken - Healing Boost))"
1. Both Normal Attack and Skill Attack will trigger lifesteal, DOT will not however.
2. Lifesteal Amount: Actual Damage*Lifesteal Rate
How to Obtain Energy as Cryptids
-A cryptid gains 5 points of energy when an enemy hero initiates a normal attack
-A cryptid gains 15 points of energy when an enemy hero casts an active skill
Type Countering
-Mech counters Bio, Bio counters Gene, Gene counters Mech, Alien and Mystic counter each other
- Attacking a countered target will grant an additional 15% ACC bonus, while dealing 30% additional damage
Critical Hit and Dodge
-When a dodge is triggered, the hero's received damage this time will drop by 50%. The "Dodge Effect" stats can boost the amount of damage reduction
-A critical hit can only happen when a dodge is not triggered
-Dodge and critical hit can occur in normal attack or skill attack; DOT cannot be dodged and it will not trigger a critical hit
-The damage boosts when a critical hit is triggered. The increased amount is related to "CRIT DMG" stats
-The number of the damage will turn yellow when a critical hit happens
How to Obtain Energy as Heroes
-A hero gains 10 points of energy when performing a normal attack, regardless of whether a skill that replaces the normal attack is triggered or not
-A hero gains 5 points of energy when receiving damage from normal attack or skills from the enemy. DOT will not incur energy
-Killing an enemy hero grants 15 points of energy
About Front & Rear Row
-During the pre-battle deployment, the two positions closer to the enemies are the front row, the rest of the three positions are the rear row
-In battle, apart from some skills that can target the rear rows, every unit will first attack the enemy's front row. When the units in the front row are all killed, there are two scenarios:
A: The heroes in the rear row are all melee heroes or ranged heroes. All rear row units will be the target of the attack at this moment;
B: There are both melee heroes and ranged heroes in the rear row. The melee heroes will form a new front row and the ranged heroes will stay in the rear row
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I. Talent Panel In the game, Talents are classified under 6 deities, and there are 4 Talent Panels under each deity. 1. There are currently 24 Talent Panels in the game, and each character can choose to upgrade Talents in up to 3 Talent Panels. 2. For the first Talent Panel, players can choose either of the 6 Talent Panels in the first horizontal column. The game will recommend one of them to the player based on the selected hero. This will be marked with an asterisk. For example, the recommended first Talent Panel for Berserker Rehan is "God of Might".
T3 heroes new 2nd ability!
1. Judex- ? Cool down- 15 seconds Damage- 700 2. Kazama- he can fly for 3 seconds any direction. Cool down- 9 seconds *Extra details- he’s now a flanker 3. Kelvin- turns to snowman and can’t be damaged in that form. Also heals in that form but can’t move. Cool down- 12 seconds 4. Fade- can summon a 16,800 health sphere like shield you can use to protect you or teammates. Also can shoot through shield. Can also use to trap opponents.
Game Phrase
Effect accuracy rate(Effect ACC): The accuracy rate when imposing debuff to target. Effect resist rate(Effect RES): The chance to resist debuff when inflicted with it. Control-type effects: include Freeze, Confuse, Stun and Disappear. Attack speed(ATK SPD): the speed a hero complete a normal attack. The higher the attack speed have, the less time a hero to complete a normal attack. Attack frequency(ATK FREQ):The interval between a hero's attacks. The higher the attack frequency have, the shorter interval between a hero's attacks.
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