I played the game of course I will try a game and give it my own personal opinion and review so never let peoples reviews change your mind on giving it a go yourselves it's not my type of game and it is with that being said let's get to it yes it's my kind of game the concept of going planet to planet and mining resources is brilliant it's just the graphics and realism that lets it down but don't let that deter you from it.. I'm looking for games that are realistic to life itself I think imagine if I had to go around and do all of the stuff I'd need to survive on this planet and then go to other places in the galaxy that's the game I'm looking for it's to bright and colorful for me if it had the graphics of lost light I'd be much more interested and I is way to cluttered it's like everything has been slapped in and not really had much thought to me it just seems like the game has been rushed the initial idea was there but it's not really what you had in mind so you if these are the types of games you like then give it a go or if you're looking for more realistic colour then try earths revival same concept better graphics and ABIT more organised you will see but I hope this helps you guys in trying the game and the development team making a difference to the game and better for the fans good luck and enjoy