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Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2
【Call of Duty: Mobile】 August 21st Updates: New events, Community, Feedback and Bug Reports!

【Call of Duty: Mobile】 August 21st Updates: New events, Community, Feedback and Bug Reports!

381 View2020-08-25
From:  Call of Duty: Mobile Team(Official Discord)
Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! It has been only been a short while since we’ve released Season 9: Conquest and the amount of feedback you’ve all shared have made it feels like much longer haha, but we want it all and we love the passion behind the huge Reddit threads about Gunsmith, the long and detailed suggestions on Discord, and the ten minute YouTube videos diving into balance suggestions around Gunsmith. Of course, there is plenty beyond that being shared and we just wanted to say thank you all once again for showing just how widespread and eager this community is. We’ll have some notes and responses to some of those major pieces of feedback in this update, but for now, let’s take a look at all of the main of the events that Season 9 has to offer.Let’s jump into the update now and start it off with new events, followed by feedback and bug reports, and then lastly a community highlight!
Here is the full look at most events currently running or coming soon in COD Mobile:
•8/21 ~ New Seasonal Challenges
•8/21 - 8/23 ~ BR Warfare Mode
•8/21 - 8/27 ~ Gungame Moshpit Playlist
•8/21 - 9/03 ~ 10v10 Mode
•8/21 - 9/03 ~ Finest Hour Event
•8/28 ~ Prop Hunt returns
*All Dates UTC
Finest Hour
Our marquee event for Season 9 has arrived and it isn’t any type of event you have ever seen in COD: Mobile! Pick your side, recruit soldiers, and battle your way across war-torn Europe as you push to conquer every Axis occupied the city on the map. Of course, as you do so you’ll be raking in rewards and with some particularly grand rewards available to those who fight across every city on the map.
Here are the basics of how the Finest Hour works:
There is quite a bit to learn about this event, whether it is the different ways to attack cities, the different ways to collect rewards or all of the different routes you can use to attack cities. Depending on your side, your final goal (referenced in Step 4 above) will be to liberate the central city, which is either Berlin or Bayern depending on which side you pick.How easy it is to attack a city depends on your strength, which is largely determined by your accumulative Gunsmith weapon level and if there are any allied cities nearby. Any adjacent liberated allied cities will lower the defense of the Axis city you are trying to take down. Lastly, you can call in a friend to both help you attack a city and as a way to get extra rewards if the attack succeeds.As per usual, if you are one of our avid readers who has decided that they are tired of reading then you are in luck – we have a video for you! Give it a watch to get a quick idea of how everything in Finest Hour plays out.
As per usual, if you are one of our avid readers who has decided that they are tired of reading then you are in luck – we have a video for you! Give it a watch to get a quick idea of how everything in Finest Hour plays out.
10v10 ModifierAnother brand-new piece of content dropping today is 10v10 Mode! This mode isn’t a “mode” per-say like Gun Game or Kill Confirmed, but it modifies pre-existing modes, primarily Team Deathmatch and Domination. It is available on Crossfire, Takeoff, Meltdown, and eventually Shipment 1944.
You read that right, if you thought Shipment 1944 was hectic before that means you now have that option to crank it up to eleven. 10v10 Mode will also increase the score cap for TDM and on Shipment that cap will now go up 200.
However, for Shipment 1944 this map is not available in this first 10v10 playlist. In this first release, it is only available on Crossfire, Takeoff, and Meltdown. Later on a playlist will be coming specifically for 10v10 Shipment. Keep an eye out for that later!Seasonal Challenges
Two more Seasonal Challenges are available today on top of the three that launched last week with the Season 9 launch. The main highlights from those three were Special Ops 1 – Sewed Snake from Survival Kit, Razorback – Sewed Snake from Trench Boom, and the ICR-1 – Retro Nuclear from Assault Rifle Expert. This time we have some items to grab and some more tasks to conquer. Check them out!
This six-part challenge is all about using various weapons with specific attachments and getting kills with those weapons in Multiplayer matches. Simple, but this one also requires you to have each of those weapons leveled up just enough to be able to use those attachment types, like muzzle, magazine, laser sights, or stock. Here are the main rewards:
•(Uncommon) Concussion Grenade – Ammo Box
•(Uncommon) Outlaw – Ammo Box
•(Rare) Calling Card – Red War
•(Rare) Outlaw – Blood in the Water
Fully Loaded
This four-part challenge just really wants you to get out there and blow up some enemies in Multiplayer matches. Grab an SMRS, load up with some grenades, or turn the apparently god-tier Molotov’s to push yours through these tasks. The main rewards for this one consist of a brand-new perk:
•(Common) Perk – Amped•(Rare) Avatar – Veteran
•(Rare) SMRS – Blood in the Water
There are still two more on the way next week, so keep an eye out for those details and rewards in the next community update. For now, get out there and grab the new rewards, the easy to earn Battle Pass XP, and a few Purple XP cards to help level up your gear.
Hell on Shells Draw
]Our first lucky draw, Dive! Dive! Draw, for Season 9 released last week with the fiery and determined redhead Emma Victorova, a brand-new character, at the helm and a rather deadly UL736 – Depth Charge. This week though, we have one that is a bit more supernatural.
Hells on Shells brings Dark Shepherd, another new character, to the forefront with a style that says he is both dark and mysterious but…also maybe the Grim Reaper. Among many other items to grab, you also have the ASM10 – Bunker Buster, a weapon that causes your enemies to detonate upon death. Check out the official video on 'Hell on Shells Draw' below:
Crates - Duplicate Protection
A while ago we mentioned that we were working on ways to make duplicates feel like less of a common occurrence, particularly in crates, and we’ve released new systems for that as a part of this last update. Now, certain crates have a milestone system enabled.
Every single time you open a crate you will receive your items and you will also receive progress towards a milestone. Each time you hit a milestone it guarantees you receive an item of the indicated rarity.
As you can see in this Stashed Cache Crate, which is currently available in the store, the player here has already hit the first milestone and received a guaranteed item of epic rarity.
Now onto Duplicate Protection, this is a newly refined system on top of milestones. Each item that has a crown, as you can see with all epic rarity items in the screenshot above, is duplicate protected. Once you receive a duplicate protected item it will remove that item from the reward pool, which then increases the odds of acquiring any of the remaining items.
This system is brand-new, so if you run into any issues or have any feedback about please let us know. You can read about all of this in-game as well by clicking on the question mark next to the crate name.
Molotov Cocktails
According to the comments over the last week, this fiery weapon of justice can be used effectively in any situation, and the moment it touches an enemy it incinerates them in holy hellfire. Well, its reign was short-lived because we nerfed it a bit already by lowering the overall damage and now it should be a bit easier to counter. We’ll keep an eye out for more feedback and to see if we need to make any other balance changes, but we would also like to note that the Trophy System is a perfect counter.
Gunsmith in BR
When Gunsmith released as a part of this last update, we immediately noticed many players being a bit confused about the changes in Battle Royale in particular. We tried to highlight these changes through images and our previous updates, but we are still seeing questions regularly and we’ll reiterate that information again here.
The main changes to Battle Royale are:
•You can now find and acquire weapons of different rarities with pre-installed attachments
•You can no longer find or change out attachments during a match
- Instead, there are now Gunmods that can be attached to a unique slot
•New Battle Royale Loadout menu
- 5 loadout slots now available
•You can acquire your customized Gunsmith weapons from your loadouts through Airdrops
All of this is new and we expect it to take a bit until everyone understands the new system, but we firmly believe that these changes make it weapon focused instead of focused around gathering individual attachments. Now, it is all about finding the best weapons, bringing in your own customized weapons from airdrops, and adding on gun mods to give your weapons an extra boost.
Gunsmith Balance
Gunsmith Balance
First off, we know that this system is a massive change to how you normally play the game and as such we’ve been trying to help explain that whenever we could. However, we know Gunsmith may take a while to get used to in general and that the benefits of this system compared to the old may not be readily apparent to everyone.
This system also changes around the balance of just about every single weapon in the game since you are now able to tailor and customize them in a way that you could not even come close to before. This was one of the reasons why we wanted to do public test servers just for Gunsmith, but we are also going to keep an eye on everything to try to make balance adjustments and changes when needed.
Just give it time, keep talking to your fellow players about it, and utilize community resources, whether that is posts, guides, or just the many discussions about how to best utilize Gunsmith. Of course, we also have three videos just Gunsmith that show off the basics and give you a general idea of how it all works in Multiplayer or BR. Here is the most recent one below, which is a bit more of a tutorial than the others.
Lastly, one thing we haven’t seen many players notice is that there is a way to get a recommended Gunsmith selection for your weapon. If you don’t know what to use or want to just quickly jump into a match, hit that Recommended Button highlighted below in the screenshot. 
After you select that little yellow light bulb, you’ll be presented with a new menu full of recommended attachments for each weapon. Here are is an example of that same RUS-79U.
You can use this all to let us help you use the setup for now while you get used to the weapon, the attachments, and all of the options that Gunsmith offers. If you have any questions keep asking and either us or your fellow players will always be willing to jump in and chat about it.
Gunsmith Progression Skins (AKA the Damascus)
Back during the public test builds we had a Damascus camo as the top tier (the hardest camo to earn in Gunsmith) and like many things in the test build it was purely a test. We considered multiple options for that top tier camo and we didn’t end up picking the Damascus. Additionally, since many are already asking, it is also not Dark Matter. Instead, we have a different top tier camo coming in a future update. Keep an eye out for news on that in future community updates.
Bug Reports
Since we have a big update coming soon, which will have a wide variety of bug fixes and improvements, it is a bit tough to discuss any specific issues. However, here are some quick notes on a few issues that we regularly receive questions about and will be fixed in that next update.
Recent Fixes/Changes
We’ve had small patches (hotfixes) go out over the last week and here are some of the major things that were changed or adjusted in those patches.
General Balance
•Red dot sights and holo sights no longer reduce ads speed
•Increase sprint-to-fire speed of all weapons. Increase the sprint-to-ads speed of all weapons.
•Reduces the hip-fire accuracy of Merc grip
Gun Balance
•Chopper: Reduced hip-fire accuracy of heavy grip
•Reduced the weapon sway (from breathing) of all sniper rifles and marksman rifles
•DLQ33/SNIPERSNIVER/LOCUS/ARCTIC.50: Increased ads speed
•Reduced the ads speed debuff from attachments for sniper rifles and marksman rifles
•QQ9: Increased overall recoil and reduced damage to limbs
•Arctic.50 with Stopping Power Mag - Increased fire rate, ADS speed, and recoil control
•Pharo: Increased overall recoil and reduced damage to the lower body
•BK57: Fixed the description of 7.62mm Mag; updated description to say increased headshot damage
•Cordite: ADS bullet spread accuracy is reduced. Ammo capacity of Extended Mags is reduced.
Modification of BR Weapons Camos
•Spawned weapons in BR will no longer have skins. Camos set by players in loadouts will be applied instead.
•After Action Report – You can now move through the report faster by clicking the Next button to immediately skip various pages.
Missing Ads
Right around the release, we had an issue with the Watch button (next to New on the top) being missing for players. We addressed this issue that weekend and it should be back to normal except for those players who were already missing it in the first place.
Just to go back over that, the Watch button is only available in certain regions and additionally not on certain low-end devices. It has quite a few dependencies, but if you were seeing this button before the S9 update and it is missing now please reach out through our support so that we can investigate.
Purchase Bonus
We had a few players reach out earlier this week about a “missing” purchase bonus that they saw other players were receiving after purchasing anything with CP. There isn’t any complicated reason why you didn’t see this, it was just an error on our part and it wasn’t supposed to be populating for anyone.
Missing Voice Over[/b]
In the last couple of updates, we’ve seen a few comments about missing voice overs for characters in the game, seemingly primarily around quick chat options in MP or BR, and after checking with our team this issue should have been fixed quite a while ago. We are going to kick this one back up to the team and start investigating, and we would love your help! If you are seeing this please reach out to us via PM here on Discord or reach out to our support channels listed below.
Desync Issues [/b]
Like we mentioned often before the Season 9 release and game update, this issue was supposed to be fixed or greatly improved for most players with this release. We have seen a handful of players saying they are still experiencing these issues and we are always willing to investigate further, so if you are still seeing it then please reach out to our support channels.
Support Options
Lastly, as per usual if you are seeing something, experiencing something weird, or running into issues trying to play or access the game then please report it through any of our support channels. The main ones are:
• In-game support chat
• ATVI Assist Twitter: https://twitter.com/ATVIAssist
• Player Support Website: https://support.activision.com/contact_us
Final NotesAs per usual we are reading and discussing far more topics than shown here, but if we didn’t address any issues or pieces of feedback please reach out. We are happy to chat more about it, share other details or updates, and look into anything we might not already be aware of.We’ll be back next week with more updates and thank you for the wide outpouring of support and feedback for Season 9 over this last week. We appreciate it all more than you know and when we attend our weekly video game industry community managers secret club meeting, we like to argue that the COD: Mobile community is by far the best
Mentioned games

Battle Royale gameplay sucks. After Apex Legends is released no will play this game unlessthey do something like releasing a new battle royale like warzone for pc.



It's true that there are many games all take the gameplay form like Battle Royale, but l think all of these games actually are different indeed if you actually get to play. Also, if you like the form of Warzone, you can keep an eye on the updated INFO about Call of Duty's latest title of black ops--BO4: Cold War(on PC) that will release soon. Hope that can help you~


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Malu Apa Bossku
Malu Apa Bossku

Battle royale TPS  movement not realistic so weak..compare with pubgm.pubgm TPS much better and realistic..other graphic not so good..for future please optimise TPS battle royale and upgrade the game graphic..


Krisna Bob
Krisna Bob

Everyone talks like crybaby about BR system Here im waiting for MP7


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