The Fall Survival is an interesting game because it has some parts that are done very well and others that are terrible. The graphics and controls are so bad it makes the game not as enjoyable as it should be. The graphics feel blurry and foggy at times with very rough edges shown on buildings and objects. The game is overall just way too dark. It's very hard to see where you are going and several times, I walked into things I didn't even know were on the ground in front of me.
The movement for the controls was so frustrating. There is a run button on the bottom left. But it only lets you run forward; you can never move in any other direction with it. In order to move backwards or left and right you need to use the invisible joystick that is next to it. This is placed in such a bad spot making it awkward to try and use. This also makes you character move extremely slow. You have no control over the button layout so your forced to deal with it. The game doesn't have a free aim feature either. The game has an auto aim button that when pressed will snap your crosshair to the enemy in front of you.
The parts I did like were the story telling and the atmospheric feel the game brings you into. You really feel like you're in an apocalyptic world filled with zombies, and you are all alone. The music and sound effects are amazing and give the game an eerie feel to it. The game also has some light jump scares as well that were fun to experience. It could be a really great game if the controls get fixed and the graphics improved. For now, it's about an average experience that some may find enjoyable. You can get the full version of the game on google play for 49 cents which is super cheap for what it's worth.