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PUBG Mobile
Game Settings - Turn on Auto-adjust Graphics

Game Settings - Turn on Auto-adjust Graphics

2K View2020-09-09
In Settings -> Graphics, you can also turn on ‘Auto adjust graphics’ to ensure a consistent frame-rate while playing. This basically means that if your phone starts over-heating, or if the battery gets low, PUBG Mobile will automatically adjust the graphics quality to compensate for it.
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Game Settings - Adjust Graphics Quality
Adjust the graphics quality according to your phone’s capabilities. PUBG Mobile does this automatically, but if you feel like your game is lagging or dropping frames, you can lower it further, and vice-versa. A higher graphics quality setting will definitely make it easier to spot other enemies, but if your phone starts lagging or dropping a frame, make the trade-off and opt for a higher frame-rate instead.
I hate it pubg mobile doesn't have that optimization to new phones.when im playing other fps game i have 90 fps or 60 but in pubg i only have 30 wtf is that
I like playing it, the maps are ok but the graphics,my device is 60 fps and the graphics shown on pubg is 30 pls fix it.♥️
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