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Punch Kick Duck
Let’s control the funny duck and win with a punch!

Let’s control the funny duck and win with a punch!

1K View2023-01-30
This is an RPG game that seems interesting! You are ducks that can hit the enemies in the face, control the duck's movements, and win with a punch. The graphics are cool.
The game has a cute little animal that allows you to unlock up to 16 characters. In addition, you can select three levels of difficulty and unlock colorful characters.
It looks interesting to me, and it's fun!
Mentioned games
SwathedLemur XD
SwathedLemur XD

Could you please tell me the "RPG" aspect of the game?


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A cute duck with impressive skills 🤔
I love this game!!!! It is a super cute game with a twist of action. It's fun to play with no bugs and no glitches. It's amazing to play by yourself or with friends. The animation of the characters looks good. Seriously, this game is so enjoyable and very addictive. Remember the combo kicks. Lol.
This is really fun to play given a duck doing kung-fu
The game is really fun to play, and in the game, it has like an element tree that each element is strong to one as it is weak to another. The game is 2D and you have to fight all sorts of animals who just gets stronger as the level progresses, so you have to have your fight game on to manage in the game. Well, I enjoyed it. 🦆
Green Scavenger4232023-02-17
Ive only played 10 mins but I think it is a good game love the characters they are like Wallace and Gromit style but I think you should have to unlock the duck because he's the main character and you have to earn him not pay for unless you do common rare and legendary ones that that hand a special for the punch like throwing a toilet plunger or shooting a toy bow and arrow or something like firing a nerf gun, snowball the list could go on.. I can see this doing really well for such a simple game which is funny like angry birds but you need to hav online leaderboards and friends leaderboards you could even do a co-op mode where you and a mate brawl team up not against each other I wish I could make games I have such a good vision or I wish people could see what I see anyway guys definitely give this game a go its a good laugh smooth operations good easy controls for left or right handed as easy as 🦶 ✊ 🦆 lol 🤣🤣  happy gaming people
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