
Games worth discovering

The Fall : Zombie Survival
The Fall zombie survival game

The Fall zombie survival game

2K View2023-02-02
Yes I want this it does look good to me.. it looks like a gritty dark survival and I'm hoping it's going to be worth the wait I'm wondering if it will be team up or go alone and wat sort of looter shooter it will be will it be like well there's only one way to find out and that's to play it so happy gaming guys
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The Fall.. a dark zombie survival game
I do want to play this but I've paid for games before and they are not like shown even games that you don't pay for are like that but this looks so good what's 69p because I know in the long run it will help the development team out in achieving their goals to me this looks like a dark gritty survival looter shooter and looks a good one if it is like it shows just how for will it go where will it take you is it realistic to life and how does the team up go alone system work well there's only one way to find out guys and that's to try it so happy gaming guys good luck
Leo Sky8412023-02-02
When will the full game be released?
I'm too excited to try the full game~ This one will be added to my collection of zombie games! It gives me a thrill and excitement while playing. It's not so difficult to play and also has nice graphics. I feel nervous when the zombies are attacking, probably because of the coffee I drank.
Electric Player2K2023-01-18
A new zombie game setup that I like
I can never get enough of zombie games. I have tried other types, but not a strategy zombie game. This looks promising! Seems like there is everything needed to be a good strategic game. I like heroes' characters that are uniquely set: girl in a kimono, punk girl, bulk guy.
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