This is a a cartoon style character.
His name is "BAM BAM".
Light attack left/right (joystick) : he pushes the opponent away lightly with his both hands.
Light attack down: He slaps the opponent on the top of thier head.
Light attack up : he upper cuts the opponent.
Heavy attack down : He jumps and falls on the opponent on his belly , the opponent files away because of the pressure just like a bar of soap when you squeeze it.
Heave attack left/right : He basically runs in a straight line and pushes the opponent far away with his belly.
Heavy attack up : He grabs the opponents leg and then throws him up just aa little above his head and then there's a 50/50 probability that he'll grab his leg in the air and throw him to the ground...
Bam bam is a very unique character and I hope he'll be added in the game. Thank you.