
Games worth discovering

Fatal Adventure
At bit too boring for a classic adventure game I must say

At bit too boring for a classic adventure game I must say

1K View2023-02-21
The controls of the game can be hard, and I hate that the attack button has a cool down given that some monsters can't be killed with just one slash.
The game is very dull, and I don't really have that thrill of getting into the adventure of it. Not something I would play in the past time.
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Pretty boring the story is quite interesting but gameplay is abbysmal. Its auto where you go here kill monster go there kill more monster repeat again and again yeah thats it
This game is average at best to me. Good for not being auto and gender-locked. Graphic's kinda boring, story's also quite boring with NPCs just standing one place giving quest after quest, and the battle is boring "hit till you win" system. At least you can do some sort of dodging with ranged attacks, I give it points for that. I guess I feel this way about this old game because of the modern HD games I've been playing...
Meltron 1K2022-03-16
It can get boring given the age of gaming today, but pretty decent.
The games today can be very climactic with their high-end graphics and amazing storylines, which can be a very big hurdle to this game since it is like your typical arcade game where you just shoot and get a high score. This game can get nostalgic to its touch, but some can get bored in the long run due to the monotonous gameplay. I would say this is something to pass the time but not for too long.
Green Scavenger1K2023-03-01
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