The King Must Die - A 5 Player Card Based Game That WONT LET YOU QUIT A MATCH!
The King Must Die is a card based PVP style game that at first I thought was a pretty intriguing game but over time I grew to really dislike. Gameplay wise you and 4 other players will be assigned roles, you can either be assigned the king, kingslayers, the kings guardian or the usurper.
The role of the king is to protect their kings guardian, while taking out the kingslayers and usurper. The kings guardian must protect the king, and take out the kingslayers and usurper. The kingslayers must kill the king at all costs, and also the kings guardian, and the usurper can just let the other roles fight it out and let them weaken each other in order to take the king for themselves.
Sonata Dawnstar3K2023-02-21
Servers down...maintance right?
Yeah. The beta test had been closed in Feb. 24th. But still thanks for playing our game! Our Facebook fanpage will be talking about bigger and hotter topics. Please stay tuned for our news!
But you can leave though,I've left many games just don't get the rewards once you leave
test game