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Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2 - Hype Impressions/SEA Launch/Summons Hype

Valiant Force 2 - Hype Impressions/SEA Launch/Summons Hype

5K View2023-02-17
You can watch more reviews on My YouTube
Set a decade after the events of Valiant Force, we return to the realm of Arathos as it is once again thrown into chaos.
The disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, has exposed the land to dangers from beyond its shores. The people of the realm find themselves increasingly polarised; some hold on to their faith in the Hero of Arathos, while others condemn him for his apparent betrayal.
Enter Elise Arkwright, a fiercely idealistic knight ready for duty. Together with her friends, Felix Vulcan and Maeve Astraea, Elise will confront all manner of peril in a bid to bring peace and stability back to the realm.
Their duty to the realm will lead them to question everything they once believed in - the Crown, their bonds, even the very nature of truth.
A free-to-play online Strategy RPG, Valiant Force 2 is a hotly anticipated sequel that's sure to bring both loyal and new fans back to the world of Arathos. Face off against demons, rebel knights, and fearsome beasts using familiar mechanics with some new tactical twists.
Dominate the battlefield and outsmart your opponents with the classic turn-based battle system. Grow your skill set and power level with the Hero Job System and customise your Heroes to suit your playstyle with a wide range of equipment and runes!
The Aura Trigger system that has defined Valiant Force's unique combat returns—this time, on a much larger battlefield! Mastering new combat features like Elemental dynamics and Auron Cards will be key to turning battles in your favour!
Take to the skies in a brand new PVP mode and engage in exciting dogfights where you attempt to destroy your opponent’s Zephyrite-powered airship before they do yours!
Summon familiar faces like the stalwart Valiants and diabolical Dark Lords—and new heroes including the seafaring Stormborn League and the calculative Sons of Midas—to join you on your epic adventure!
Explore Arathos beyond the events of the main campaign and delve into new stories and quests that will be released on a regular basis, featuring heroes new and old. The boldest adventurers earn the most exclusive rewards!
Return to a familiar world and once again enjoy the masterwork of Mr. Hitoshi Sakimoto, renowned Japanese video game composer best known for scoring Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII.
If you encounter any issues, be sure to send us feedback via the in-game Customer Service chat or through any of these channels:
Customer Service Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValiantForce2
Discord: https://discord.gg/frER2cWUPS
Official Site: https://playvaliantforce2.com/pre-register/
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