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Albion Online
I can't wait too much, the game takes a long time to download the resources. zZz

I can't wait too much, the game takes a long time to download the resources. zZz

1K View2023-02-23
It was really quite boring at the beginning, I was bored 100%. Thank God for the sample gameplays online, which I learned from and knew how to play the game.
The only good thing is there is no auto quest, and no story because you can do whatever you want. You can be a crafter, garter, gatherer, refiner, etc. And the good thing is that their PvP is based on skills, so even if the enemy's gear is high level if you can beat him, his resources are long.
But when you get lost in the danger zone, everything you carry will be lost. *sigh*
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This game doesn't have a story (yet) but it does have good gameplay and easy modding (at least on Steam), maybe its a bit hard for new players, but you'll get over it, the only bad thing I can see is that sometimes I get a lot of good loot and I get too cocky and I die and When I try to find my loot When I "respawn" I Can't find it and I Don't play again for like weeks
Huge grinding
Huge grinding and extremely repitive game ... Boring , art and character design is top notch. But game is meant to be played ...collect resource>grind>play so called story and missions differently>repeat until you are satisfied. A serious NO thank you.
Game is great overall, nice map with great exploration and things to find and do. Upgrading and improving your character offers lots of options. PvE modes are good and varied. PVP is not fun at all, very laggy and totally unbalanced. Strong players will kill you before you even see them while your gun does as much damage to them as a water pistol. The worst thing about the game though is how long it takes to find a match in any mode. Nearly everything requires a team to start and there is no cross server matchmaking and too many servers so you can be waiting for a LONG time (this might be different when game is released Global)
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