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Flash Party
Flash Party Character Creation Contest, Flare Sherwood

Flash Party Character Creation Contest, Flare Sherwood

114 View2023-02-25
8 whole lives all set on revenge, in her life as a house cat Flare was adopted by the Sherwood family,  a well-known crime syndicate. For every bad guy, there is a hero but in her eyes that "Hero" took everything from her, after defeating her master the hero blew up headquarters..while flare was still inside. reborn as a nekomata and taking her master's from flare hits the streets of Metropolis to rebuild her family name, stealing, fighting, no crime was too small, but flare made sure to take out anyone who dares to call themselves a "Hero".
Class: Assaulter
S17 Height
Tina run speed
Kamiki Yuri weight
Flare has a hit-and-run playstyle, the goal is to build up inferno for the knockout and keep your opponent guessing with her high speed. Her flame ghost can keep her safe for a while but she's a light character so she gets knocked back easily.
<Passive>  Inferno gauge: When flare lands any of her fire-based moves it
builds up her "Inferno gauge"  At 100%, flare automatically gets a ghost flame ball that follows her and disrupts anyone that hits flare while guarding, or grabbing her. She also gains an additional jump, Using the ghost as a footstool, and lastly gains a 4% speed boost.
The inferno effect lasts for 8 seconds.
Neutral attack: 
Flare strakes with her dagger for the first hit then into a straight punch
(With some knockback)  lastly, she throws her flaming dagger
the last hit adds 6% to her Inferno gauge
Down attack:
Flare attacks with a sweeping slash tripping her foes.
While in "Inferno mode" the range is increased and knocks them back.
Up Attack:
Flare waves her hand making a firey wave above her knocking her opponent into the air. This attack adds 6% to her "Inferno gauge"
Dash attack:   
Run and jumps a bit then punches her opponent with a firey first
this move adds 7% to her Inferno gauge (This move can kill at high percent)
Charge attack
Flare takes a feline-like pose on the ground then dashes back and forth dealing a two-hit attack. this move has an extended range the longer it is held
Down Air: 
Throws 3 flaming daggers below her.  each dagger builds 5% of Inferno.
(Note: Not meant for Spiking mostly for building inferno gauge)  but it can disrupt moves.
While in "Inferno mode" this move can spike, if it hits the stage the daggers will explode. (This has high knockback)
Up Air: 
Does a firey backflip kick, this move adds 7% to her inferno gauge.
(high knockback move)
Forward Aerial: 
Pounces forward, if flare hits a target she will jump off of them sending them behind her  (Not a high knockback move).
With inferno, flare can pounce and jump off her target but kicks them downward
(this move has good knockback)
Back Aerial
Holds out her hand and shoots a fire blast behind herself moving her forward. Upon hitting her opponent they are sent flying. this move adds 8% to the inferno gauge.
While in inferno mode the blast is bigger and has more knockback.
Neutral Aerial:  Quickly cuts back and forth mid-air coving both sides.
While in inferno mode this move deals a bit more damage.
Neutral Special  [Guns blazing] 
Does a finger gun pose and shoots 3 fireballs the first 2 have no hit stun the last one does. the first two add 4% to the inferno gauge the last one adds 6%.
While in inferno mode flare shoots one slow-moving fireball with high knockback.
Side Special   [Crimsion fall]
Throws her dagger at a diagonal angle, upon hitting her target flare appears above them kicking them back to the ground.  While in inferno mode the dagger will explode upon hitting her target. (This move can kill at high percent)
Down Special    [Cat call]
Flare summons a blazing cat, it walks around the stage for 6 scends then explodes damaging any foe near it for 10%. If cat call is used while the cat is on stage flare will appear in the spot of the cat.
Forward Throw:
Kicks off the opponent's face and does a backflip gaining some space.
Backword throw: Flips over her target and throws her dagger at them
While in inferno mode the dagger will explode.
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