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Flash Party Hero Design Contest Submission: Velo, The Rollerblading Graffiti Artist from Metropolis!

Flash Party Hero Design Contest Submission: Velo, The Rollerblading Graffiti Artist from Metropolis!

2K View2023-02-27
Name: Velo
Character Type: Assaulter
Rollerblading Graffiti Artist
“Yo, wanna see me do something cool? Alright, then pay attention! I’m about to show you my art! Check this out!”
Front and Back of Velo’s Design
Age: 19 years old
Personality Traits: High energy, quick thinker, sometimes impulsive, plenty of confidence, enthusiastic
Velo was an active member in a diverse community of graffiti making rollerbladers who hung out in an abandoned underground subway station within Metropolis, using the open space to create their art, hold breakdance battles, and test their rollerblading skills by participating in many fast paced races. Despite his active presence, Velo wasn’t exactly known for anything special amongst his peers, but one day he decided to take his rollerblading tricks up a notch. Velo was able to contact a friend skilled in engineering, and somehow convinced them to modify his rollerblades so that they would have jet boosters attached onto their backs that would use spray paint to boost the wearer’s momentum. Without hesitation, Velo began to create and pull off ridiculous but incredibly cool tricks using his new rollerblades, which immediately earned him recognition from his buddies. They gave him the nickname “Velo” in reference to the sheer velocity that he could rollerblade at.
After doing many practice runs around their subway hideout to get used to his new tech, Velo went out into Metropolis and started leaving graffiti designs all over the city! The way he skated around the city and made his bold graffiti designs incredibly quickly earned him a reputation amongst the civilians. While he did gain some support for his skills, many others labeled him as a reckless hooligan and viewed his graffiti art as only vandalism. Word of this caught up to him quickly, and Velo decided that he would need to step up his game to be more than what his haters viewed him as. Equipped with his custom rollerblades, skating prowess, breakdancing skills, and a seemingly endless amount of spray paint, Velo chose to enter the Flash Party arena to use its platform to spread a message for all to hear.
And what was that message, you ask?
“Graffiti is art!”
Unique Gimmick
Many of Velo’s attacks involve the use of his spray paint cans or the paint boosters on his rollerblades. These can cover opponents and the stage terrain with his trademark graffiti. Velo can spray a target so efficiently that he can eventually cover their entire body with graffiti!
Opponents, when splashed with paint, will have reduced defense. The more paint there is on them, the stronger the defense reduction becomes!
Stage terrain covered in his graffiti will cause opponents to move slower when they try to walk through it!
Both of these effects can fade out over time, but Velo can refresh the timer by simply applying a new layer of paint to the opponent or the stage.
General Play Style
Velo is an incredibly fast fighter, which should be expected since he is riding around on rollerblades! His ground and aerial movement speed is top notch, meaning he can keep up with almost any opponent and close distances whenever needed. He’s all about getting in and dishing out fast combos. His spray paint allows him to gain an advantage over the opponent as long as he can keep dishing out his damage and maintaining his paint effects! Slow opponents down by covering the stage with graffiti, then get in with his strong movement options and unleash his powerful combos!
At his core, Velo aims to rush down his opponents and keep up the pressure through the use of his graffiti effects. So, get moving and turn the fighting arena into his own personal canvas!
(Note: Velo will put out 2 identical spray paint cans, and hold one in each hand to perform some of his attacks. For some moves, he will only use one.)
Jab: Performs a quick swing with his arm while spraying out spray paint, then does the same with a second can in his other arm. After the second hit, Velo sprays with both cans at the same time to deal multiple hits. The attack button can be held to make this multi hit attack before releasing it to make Velo let out one last burst of paint to launch the opponent away.
Down Normal: Crouches down and delivers a quick, spinning low kick with little end lag that can be used multiple times in a row to start combos. If the move hits, some spray paint comes out of the boosters and covers the ground Velo is standing on. As an Assaulter, Velo can perform a jump cancel after this move lands to do follow ups for more combo potential.
Up Normal: Velo hops into the air and delivers two upward kicks in a row. When the second kick connects, the wheels of the rollerblades spin to deal multiple hits to the opponent. As an Assaulter, Velo can jump after landing this move to perform an aerial follow up.
Charged Attack: Velo charges this attack by crouching down and placing one arm on the ground. He then falls down with his whole body to carry his weight with one arm. He then uses breakdance moves to quickly swing a downward kick with his boosters active and strike the opponent in a circular motion. Velo then shifts to his other arm and lifts his legs high into the air to end off the move while still being on one hand. This move sends out a splash of paint during the kick, and the more it is charged, the more damage and range the splash has.
Dash Attack: While skating normally, Velo activates his boosters to propel himself forward before doing a strong shoulder bash to send opponents flying. This attack has strong knockback and can score KOs reliably well.
Neutral Aerial: Velo first does a kick that hits in front and goes all the way to be a little behind him. The attack button can be held to make Velo do a second upward kick and then finish off with a downward kick to launch opponents. It is possible to stop this 3 hit combo at any point by simply releasing the attack button. Doing this can allow Velo to fast fall downward and land to use grounded attacks on an opponent still recovering from the initial aerial to create new combos or jump off the ground again to do more aerials.
Forward Aerial: Velo pulls out 2 spray paint cans, with one in each hand, and first swings downward while spraying with his left hand. He can then follow up by holding down the attack button to perform an upward spray with his right hand before finishing off with an “X” shaped spray using both cans at the same time. Much like his neutral aerial, this attack can be stopped by releasing the attack button at any point and Velo can quickly fall onto the ground to perform extensive loops or combos.
Back Aerial: Velo performs a backflip and swings downward with his legs stuck outward to attack with his rollerblades. This move can deliver a powerful spike onto opponents if positioned correctly.
Up Aerial: Pulls out a spray paint can and sprays it upward while moving the can side to side. The paint has a fairly decent range and hits multiple times. The last hit sends an opponent flying away with a knockback.
Down Aerial: Velo will send himself downward with his boosters, and if he lands on an opponent, he will deliver a flurry of rapid stomps with each foot before jumping off the opponent with one strong stomp. The final hit can deliver a strong spike to opponents, sending them downward at a fast speed.
Grab & Throws
Velo will grab an opponent by the shoulder with his left hand, pull them closer to him, and begin shaking a spray paint can with his other hand while he has the opponent in his grasp.
Forward throw: Velo sprays the opponent in the face with his spray paint can, and then launches them away with a shoulder bash.
Back throw: Velo somersaults over the opponent while also spraying them, and then delivers a quick kick to the back of their head.
Breakdown (Neutral Skill): Velo gets down onto the ground and immediately does a super fast breakdancing move, with his legs spinning all around. This move can drift either left or right depending on what the player inputs. Opponents hit by this move will be stuck in it and be hit by many of the kicks until Velo ends the move by launching the opponents with one final kick. Velo can cancel his normal and aerial attacks into this skill, allowing him to use it as a way to end combos and finish off opponents.
Jet Dash (Side Skill): Velo will activate the paint boosters on his rollerblades and charge forward at intense speed, barreling through any opponents in his way and sending them into the air. This move leaves a trail of spray paint on the ground as it is being used, and Velo has different ways to end the move. He can jump at any point during the move’s duration, allowing him to mix up his recovery and pursue launched opponents into the air to combo them further. If the opposite direction of where Velo is moving is inputted, he will quickly turn his rollerblades to the side in order to stop his movement. He will slide a bit across the ground and cause a large splash of paint to be launched in front of him. This splash can help prevent opponents from punishing him, as the range of the paint splash allows it to be safe on shields. Velo will do the brake technique automatically if the dash goes on for too long.
Rollerblading Blitz (Up Skill): Velo will charge up the boosters for a moment and then boost himself into the air to deliver a flurry of 360 degree kicks before ending with one finishing kick to send opponents flying. The final kick applies a good amount of paint onto the opponent. This move can be angled in any direction based on the directional input held when Velo is charging the boosters.
Graffiti Grind (Down Skill): Velo will leap forward a good distance with his knee in the air to start the move. This skill acts like a command grab. If Velo connects with an opponent, he will then use both of his legs to slam them onto the ground before using the boosters to grind the opponent against the ground while he rides them like a skateboard. He will continue riding them for some time before deciding to throw them in either a diagonally downward angle or an upward angle depending on the player’s input.
Colorful Sticker Concepts
Refreshing Artwork
Velo heals whenever he attacks a tagged opponent. Effect grows stronger when more graffiti has been applied to the target.
Trailblazing Boosters
Side skill has super armor throughout its entire duration and can’t be interrupted.
Funky Flow
Every individual combo hit will increase Velo’s overall attack damage by an additional 2%. These attack increases will stack as Velo maintains the combo. (EX: 10 Combo = 20% Damage boost) Effect is reset when combo count timer ends or if Velo is interrupted by an opponent’s attack.
Make Your Mark
Increases range of spray paint attacks and makes paint effects last longer once active.
Velo’s speed, combo potential, and powerful graffiti effects make him a deadly opponent. In the right hands, he can capitalize off of a single hit to deliver devastating damage. While he can be easy to pick up, mastering his full potential will be a challenge. So, put your rollerblades on, grab your spray paint cans, and get ready to show your opponents some real art!
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